Home > NewsRelease > AI Expert Charles Simon Speaking in Boston, Nov 15,16
AI Expert Charles Simon Speaking in Boston, Nov 15,16
Charles J. Simon -- Artificial Intelligence Expert Charles J. Simon -- Artificial Intelligence Expert
Washington, DC
Monday, November 11, 2019


Charles J. Simon, Founder and CEO of FutureAI, is speaking on "Ethics and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)" at the IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS'19), the flagship event for IEEE Society for Social Implications (SSIT).  The event is in Boston, MA on November 15-16, hosted by Tufts University School of Engineering, on its Medford Campus.  ISTAS is an interdisciplinary forum for policy makers, entrepreneurs, technologists and engineers to collaborate and discuss the implications of technology.

One technology is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), the creation of computers which exceed human intelligence. While most view AGI in terms of its representation in movies, pop culture, and media, and view it as a far-off fantasy, AGI is, in fact, right around the corner. AGI's development raises a number of ethical questions that have an immediate need to be addressed: Will AGI become smarter than humans? Will AGI replace humans in the workforce, and how do we combat the possible rise in unemployment? Will we eventually lose control of the technology? And most importantly, will computers revolt?

About Charles J. Simon, BSEE MSCS

Founder/CEO of FutureAI, Charles Simon is a nationally recognized computer software/hardware expert, author and speaker, with broad management and technical expertise.

Mr. Simon’s experience includes pioneering work in AI, neuroscience, and CAD.  His technical experience includes the creation of two unique Artificial Intelligence systems along with software for EEGs and other neurological test equipment. Combining AI development with biomedical nerve signal testing gives him the singular insight needed to create his new software Brain Simulator II with real-world interaction and the successful book, Will Computers Revolt? Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence available for order on Amazon.

 About FutureAI

An Artificial General Intelligence (“AGI”) research company founded by AI pioneer and successful entrepreneur, Charles J. Simon.  Privately funded, the company is creating and promoting AGI technologies as a pathway to creating systems on a par with human intelligence.   The new “Brain Simulator II” flagship software, and the well-reviewed Will Computers Revolt? book are keystones of the company, along with the companion video series: “About Your Brain” and “About Brain Simulator”


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Name: Charles Simon
Group: Future AI
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: 425-765-8162
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