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A New Musical Artform Emerges
Joyce L. Gioia, CMC, CSP --  The Herman Group Joyce L. Gioia, CMC, CSP -- The Herman Group
Austin, TX
Wednesday, August 28, 2019


The Herman Trend Alert

August 28, 2019

A New Musical Artform Emerges

In the past I have talked about the rising importance of "experience" in our lives, how people are choosing to buy experiences. This emerging musical artform is clearly a new type of experience to enjoy. Its creator calls it "MindTravel."

Who is Murray Hidary and What is MindTravel?

Hidary is a pioneer whose groundbreaking musical artform deserves our attention. His music is at once soothing and contemplative. In MindTravel's own words, "The evocative, improvisational piano music ignites freedom and expansiveness that amplifies the healing and inspirational power of being surrounded by beauty." Inspired by mystical traditions and theoretical physics, his improvisational piano meditations, leave people feeling peaceful and clear, with the desire to carry that peace and clarity forward into their lives. Hidary believes "we can use this music anytime, anywhere to tap into that state of presence and unbounded creativity, that field where all things are possible."

Taking the Experience to the Masses

As a generous human being who lives to make a difference, Hidary wants as many people as possible to have the MindTravel experience. To accomplish this feat, he created MindTravel's 2019 Coast-To-Coast SilentHike Tour. Stopping in 21 cities from Boston to Los Angeles, Hidary's MindTravel Foundation is offering SilentHikes virtually free, except for covering the expenses of venue or equipment rental. The SilentHike in Austin was held at the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center and the SilentPaddle was held on LadyBird Lake. In other venues, the hike was up a mountain or into the woods. Hidary and Kai, his intern photographer/all-around helper, are driving their van of equipment from coast to coast.

How his MindTravel SilentHike Experience Works

Each attendee is given a set of high-quality headphones through which s/he may hear the MindTravel music as well as Hidary's calming meditative voice. After providing a short introduction, setting the intention for the experience, and taking a group picture, the group begins a guided meditative walk, listening to sounds of the unique, original MindTravel compositions. I actually think of it as long-form New Age Music, because Hidary's compositions are never just two to three minutes, but always much longer.

The Journey Continues with Five More Cities to Go

If you are lucky enough to live in Santa Barbara, CA (9-September), San Francisco, CA (10-September), Portland, OR (11-September), Seattle, WA (12-September), or San Diego, CA (15-September), Montreal (17-September), Toronto (19-September), it is not too late to sign up for this unique (and very affordable) experience!

MindTravel Foundation's Business Model

Once the musical experience is over, attendees may purchase t-shirts or Hidary's inspirational music or other MindTravel branded goodies. He also takes donations to the Foundation and is partially funded by wealthy donors who attend his benefit performances. In addition to these musical experiences, Hidary gives MindTravel public and private concerts.

What's Next?

Though Hidary is the first to offer this original type of musical experience, he won't be the last. I see the possibility of adding this experience to events like South By Southwest in Austin or even corporate or association meetings. With all of our busy-ness, expect to see more opportunities for people to tune out the external physical world and through sound and vibration, and journey within.

For more information, visit .MindTravel.com.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Joyce L. Gioia, CMC, CSP
Title: Certified Speaking Professional and Management Consultant
Group: The Herman Group
Dateline: Austin, TX United States
Direct Phone: 336-210-3548
Main Phone: 800-227-3566
Cell Phone: 336-210-3548
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