Home > NewsRelease > #99 Johnson-Bogert Ad
#99 Johnson-Bogert Ad
Denny Hatch -- Direct Mail Expert Denny Hatch -- Direct Mail Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Philadelphia, PA
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Blogpost #99 — June 24, 2020


Posted by Denny Hatch

Two Off-the-wall Political Ads—
The Greatest in Television History

The year was 1964. The young, dazzling and handsome President John F. Kennedy was assassinated three years earlier. He was succeeded by a hulking 6’ 4” 250-lb. Texas hayseed with a southern drawl who had spent 24 years in Congress ending up as Senate Majority Leader. Unlike John Kennedy, LBJ knew everybody of consequence in Washington and, above all, was a master at manipulating the levers of power. 
Johnson had spent a whirlwind year in office overpowering the political establishment by engineering passage of a major tax cut, the Clean Air Act, the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The 1964 Election
After just one year in office it was election time. The Republicans were on a powerful small government kick that recoiled against the wild extravagance of the Democrats. They engineered the nomination of LBJ’s total political opposite — Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater — author of the manifesto, The Conscience of a Conservative.
To many Republicans, Goldwater was a savior of the Republic. To Democrats he was a seen as an extremist arch-villain out to shut down the money trough and to lead us into nuclear war. The election was a 48-year-old precursor of Trump v. Clinton. But oh-so-tame by comparison.

Think back on the wild statements, insults, outlandish promises and lies of Donald Trump in the 2016 election. Compare all this to the single pronouncement by Goldwater that drove the Democrats totally, positively nuts:

“Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.”

Suddenly into This Political Maelstrom
Steps My Oldest Friend in the World.
I met William Bogert (1936-2020) in the 5th grade at the Lawrence School in Hewlett, Long Island. Bill was smart as hell, a book worm with a huge vocabulary who by age 10 was absolutely fixated on becoming an actor. We became close friends in grade school before moving on to separate boarding schools and colleges.

In the 1960s we were both living in Manhattan. Bill was focused like a laser beam on his acting career while I served two years in the Army and then stumbled around New York as a book publicist and later traveling incessantly as a salesman covering bookstores, wholesalers/jobbers, schools and libraries in the East and Midwest.

Imagine then my astonishment when I turned on the television set and… OMG, outta the blue, there was apolitical Bill — who had never showed much emotion — suddenly exhibiting severe angst nationwide on the boob tube.

It was an extraordinary off-the-wall performance for President Johnson’s campaign — a four-minute solo stream-of-consciousness tour de force that Bill wrote delivered in a single take.

Nobody in the world had ever seen such an audacious political ad on television before and only once since — when 50 years later — Bill reprieved it for Hillary Clinton in 2016. 

The Other 1964 TV Ad Was This Tony Schwartz
Bombshell That Ultimately Crushed Goldwater!

Tony Schwartz (1923-2008) — world famous for this controversial ad was not the Tony Schwartz who ghosted Donald Trump’s Art of the Deal. This Tony Schwartz was a sound engineer and record producer. I worked with him very briefly in the late 1950s when I was in the Army (stationed “overseas” on Governor’s Island in New York Harbor where I produced and wrote a radio series for WQXR featuring the Seventh Army Symphony Orchestra headquartered in Germany.
Tony Schwarz (1924-2008)
Schwartz was an amazing guy on the cutting edge of stereo vinyl records, electronics and wire recorders — — the high technology of the times.

The Tony Schwartz one-minute “Daisy” spot plus Bill Bogert’s nationwide TV agony riff helped LBJ win 44 states and 61% of the popular vote

Bill Bogert's Last Hurrah

Bill Bogert may have been the hardest working guy I ever knew. With a madcap bi-coastal life he kept up a performance schedule that would kill the average dude. He never turned down a gig. If he landed an assignment in New York one day and another job the following day in Los Angeles, he was on the overnight flight memorizing his sides (a printed booklet with the actor’s specific part in the script of a play, TV commercial or screenplay) and on the set, on time, knowing his lines and hitting his marks.

Bill’s legacy of performances is staggering. Like Woody Allen’s Zelig, he would show up everywhere — in television series, films, and commercials — one of those busy, perpetually working actors you would see, recognize and have no idea who he was.

In 1976, Bill and Jim Henson Muppeteer Erin Ozker fell crazy in love and married. Born in Turkey, Erin was beautiful, vivacious and funny as hell. Everybody who ever met Erin instantly adored her.

Toward the end of Erin's deliriously happy but tragically short life she said: “Cancer isn’t the worst thing that ever happened to me. Finding an apartment in Los Angeles is worse.”
Erin Ozker (1948-1993)

For over 70 years Bill and I saw each other frequently and picked up conversationally right where we left off the last time. I went to the funerals of his parents on Long Island. And I remember Peggy and I bumped into him on a red-eye flight from L.A. to New York; we sat together, mesmerized as we flew through a lightning storm. We were both members of The Players, the actors’ club on Gramercy Park South founded by the great Shakespearean thespian Edwin Booth (remembered today as the brother of John Wilkes Booth). We’d connect at an occasional Pipe Night—that honored such great performers as Milton Berle, James Cagney and Gregory Peck.

Bill stayed with us in Stamford, Connecticut a couple of times and he came to my 70th birthday bash for a day of horseracing at Philadelphia Park.

One of my great regrets was being out of the country when Erin died 1992 and we missed her funeral. Bill never recovered from the loss. He never remarried. I doubt he ever dated. The last 27 years of his life were tinged with sadness. You can sense that in the interview with Rachel Maddow.

I called to check in on him last October. He sounded frail but okay. We talked about Peggy and me stopping in to see him when we were next in New York. Bill said he'd like that very much. Bill died this past January. He was a helluva guy. I miss him.

                       Historians Weigh in 52 Years Later
A “Republican Confession” from 52 years ago has a lot to say about this year’s election. “Confessions of a Republican,” a four-minute television ad from the 1964 US presidential election, has been making a comeback online.

—Adam Freelander, March 9, 2016, Quartz 

For obvious reasons, the ad — called “Confessions of a Republican” — began attracting online attention from conservatives early this year. Quartz ran a story about it on March 9, and Rachel Maddow aired it on her MSNBC show the same night. She then gleefully interviewed the actor from the ad — William Bogert, now 80 years old — in May, and he was just as charming as you might hope.
—David Leonhardt, The New York Times, October 25, 2016

The Daisy Ad changed everything about political advertising. Since the famous television spot ran in 1964, advertising agencies have sold presidential candidates as if they were cars or soap.
­—Robert Mann, Smithsonian Magazine, October 25, 2016

Even 52 years later, the Daisy Ad packs an emotional wallop. The one-minute spot was only broadcast once (though it was repeated on the nightly news), but the message set up Johnson’s 1964 landslide.  
—Walter Shapiro, Roll Call, June 7, 2016 

Word Count: 1266
You Are Invited to Meet Denny Hatch.
At age 15, Denny Hatch—as a lowly apprentice—wrote his first news release for a Connecticut summer theater. To his astonishment it ran verbatim in The Middletown Press. He was instantly hooked on writing. After a two-year stint in the U.S. Army (1958-60), Denny had nine jobs in his first 12 years in business. He was fired from five of them and went on to save two businesses and start three others. One of his businesses—WHO’S MAILING WHAT! newsletter and archive service founded in 1984—revolutionized the science of how to measure the success of competitors’ direct mail. In the past 55 years he has been a book club director, magazine publisher, advertising copywriter/designer, editor, journalist and marketing consultant. He is the author of four published novels and seven books on business and marketing.


Denny Hatch
The St. James
200 West Washington Square, #3007
Philadelphia, PA 19106
215-644-9526 (Rings on my desk) 
A Note About Denny Hatch’s Marketing Books
When North American Publishing summarily shut down its little book publishing division, all my direct marketing and business books were suddenly gone from the market. Some were available as “collector’s items” at many hundreds—and in some cases thousands!—of dollars. I have made arrangements with a Canadian marketer to republish some of these as Special Reports or White Papers. Will let you know when they are available. Thank you for your patience.

About Denny Hatch’s Novels
Meanwhile two titles are available. They are:
How Mafia Marketed a Candidate
To Become Mayor of New York City

A Comedy About Breeding People 
 Kindle Edition: $2.99

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Invitation to Marketers and Direct Marketers: 
Guest Blog Posts Are Welcome. 
If you have a marketing story to tell, case history, concept to propose or a memoir, give a shout. I’ll get right back to you. I am: dennyhatch@yahoo.com
215-644-9526 (rings on my desk).

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Dateline: Philadelphia, PA United States
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