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70 Questions for 14 Experts – Asked by ChatGPT4 --- Interview the Experts for Your Show.
NewsTip -- Story Ideas and Contacts NewsTip -- Story Ideas and Contacts
Washington, DC
Wednesday, March 22, 2023


Seeking ChatGPT Experts 

-- Next week's news feed with be all about ChatGPT -- if you are expert or can suggest someone who is, please reach out to Mitchell Davis at Mitchell.Davis@ExpertClick.com or call (202) 333-5000 so we can include a profile and/or news and comment from them.

I'll be sharing strategies I've found to get the best results -- here's an example of how asking to write in a specific tone go great results:

This is what I asked ChatGPT4 -- you gotta use the paid level at $20 a month

Let's do a news release and make up a click-bait humorous headline in the style of the New York post that is famous for the headline: "Headless Body Found in Topless Bar"

This is the result

"Data Dazzle Dollars: Infopreneur Strikes Gold with Top-Secret Formula!"

[City, Date] - In a jaw-dropping revelation that's sure to have aspiring entrepreneurs scrambling for their keyboards, the visionary author and tech guru Skip Weitzen unveils the hidden recipe to making a fortune in the digital age with his book "Infopreneurs: Turning Data Into Dollars."

Written in 1988, well before the internet took over the world, this tantalizing tome spills the secrets to transforming bland data into dazzling dollar signs. Weitzen's prophetic wisdom has withstood the test of time, proving that he's the Nostradamus of the information age.

For more information or to schedule an interview with Skip Weitzen, please contact him at (619) 881-7524 or hskipweitzen@gmail.com.

Here are five potential questions journalists can ask Mr. Weitzen during an interview that'll leave readers on the edge of their seats:

Holy moly! You wrote this book in 1988, before the internet even existed. How would you revise it with the Internet and the new ChatGPT in mind?
Can you spill the beans on some real-life examples of successful infopreneurs from your book and how their strategies have evolved in the digital age?
In this wild, wild west of data-driven opportunities, what are the most significant challenges for infopreneurs, and how can they ride off into the sunset victorious?
How do you see the role of infopreneurs evolving in the future, particularly with the rise of AI and machine learning technologies?
What advice would you give to aspiring infopreneurs who are just starting their journey in the thrilling world of information-based business?
Don't miss the opportunity to learn from the man who foresaw the digital gold rush and penned the ultimate treasure map to navigate the lucrative landscape of infopreneurship.

About Skip Weitzen
Skip Weitzen, the technology wizard and entrepreneurial oracle, is the author of the groundbreaking book "Infopreneurs: Turning Data Into Dollars." With his uncanny ability to predict the future and a deep understanding of technology, Weitzen has become a thought leader in the field of infopreneurship, offering unparalleled insights and guidance to those seeking to cash in on the information age.

------------------And here is this week's feed.

70 Questions for 14 Experts – Asked by ChatGPT4 --- Interview the Experts for Your Show.

Mitchell Davis from ExpertClick.com asked GhatGPT4 what questions to ask 14 experts. Here are bios, photos, 5 questions each, and direct contact info.

Please contact them directly for your TV, Radio show. Blog or podcast. If you are interested in their services, for consulting, speaking, training or coaching most would welcome paid engagements.

If ChatGPT can suggest all these questions, it can n even guess at the answers, but you have to remember that the ChatGPT4 data is two years old. These 14 Experts have up the minute info. Please enjoy.

If you have questions about this news feed, or want to be included, please contact: Mitchell Davis the editor at Mitchell.Davis@ExpertClick.com or call 202-333-5000 for it rings on his desk.

Here are some of ExpertClick's top experts for interview:

Find Hundreds more at www.ExpertClick.com

Or get the printed 40th Edition of the Yearbook of Experts --- the 2023 one for $10 at Amazon:

Here's the link: https://www.amazon.com/Yearbook-Experts-Authorities-Spokespersons-2023/dp/B0BRLYJY45/

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ExpertClick Introduces New Platform for Top Influencers with Mitchell Davis at the Helm and Launches Creator Fund

ExpertClick, the groundbreaking platform for influencers, experts, and thought leaders, is proud to welcome Mitchell Davis, a highly-regarded professional in the fields of journalism and public relations. With his extensive experience and expertise, Davis brings a new level of prestige and innovation to ExpertClick.

ExpertClick is a unique platform dedicated to showcasing the expertise and insights of authorities, spokespersons, and professionals from various industries and organizations. With the internet constantly evolving, ExpertClick has adapted to reward people for entering news releases and sharing valuable content.

To maintain the highest standard of quality and relevance on the platform, ExpertTOK has established a set of guidelines and criteria for qualification. Additionally, ExpertTOK offers special categories and discounts for association partnerships, public interest groups, influencers, and publicly traded corporations.

One of the significant features of ExpertClick is the Creator Fund, which enables members to earn based on the popularity of their content. The platform also offers a robust affiliate program that allows affiliates to offer discounts and receive payouts from the Creator Fund for their referrals.

Davis, the founder and editor of ExpertClick, has an impressive background, having won the Georgetown University Bunn Award for Excellence in Journalism and serving on the board of the National Association of Radio Talk Show Hosts. Davis has spent decades cultivating a strong network of media connections, making him the perfect addition to ExpertTOK.

To learn more about ExpertClick, explore the various membership levels, or to join today, please visit http://www.ExpertClick.com/join For those interested in the ExpertClick platform, please register at http://www.ExpertClickcom/free

If you have the opportunity to speak with Mitchell Davis, consider asking him the following questions to gain insight into his vision for ExpertClick and his experiences in the industry:

1 -- How do you envision the future of ExpertClick and what kind of impact do you hope it will have on the influencer and expert community?

2 -- With your extensive background in journalism and public relations, how do you think these experiences have shaped your approach to ExpertClick and its mission to connect experts with audiences?

3 -- What do you believe sets ExpertClick apart from other platforms for influencers and experts, and how will it continue to adapt to the ever-changing digital landscape?

4 -- Can you share some success stories of individuals or organizations that have benefited from using ExpertClick and the Creator Fund?

5 -- As the media landscape evolves, what advice would you give to influencers, experts, and thought leaders who want to establish themselves and make a meaningful impact through platforms like ExpertClick?

To apply for discounts and/or creator status, potential members should reach out to Mitchell P. Davis at Mitchell.Davis@ExpertClick.com or call him at (202) 333-5000, which rings on his desk.

Get ready to elevate your influence and impact with ExpertClick.

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Gambling Addiction Experts Arnie & Sheila Wexler Offer Insight into Rising Sports Gambling Problem

Fort Lauderdale, FL – Arnie & Sheila Wexler Associates have been helping individuals overcome gambling addiction for over 50 years. With the recent surge in sports gambling, their expertise and guidance are more critical than ever. Arnie Wexler is a recovering compulsive gambler himself, having placed his last bet in 1968. Sheila Wexler is the Executive Director of the Compulsive Gambling Foundation.

Bio and Overview of Arnie & Sheila Wexler Associates

Arnie & Sheila Wexler Associates has provided extensive training on Compulsive, Problem and Underage Gambling to over 40,000 gaming employees and executives. They have written Responsible Gaming Programs for major gaming companies and worked with Gaming Boards and Regulators. The Wexlers have presented educational workshops nationally and internationally and provided expert witness testimony.

Arnie Wexler has spoken to more compulsive gamblers than anyone else in America over the years. His expertise in the area of gambling addiction is unparalleled. Sheila Wexler has also dedicated her career to helping those who suffer from gambling addiction. Together, they offer a unique perspective on the challenges facing individuals and families affected by this issue.

Five Questions for Arnie & Sheila Wexler

1 -- How has the rise in sports gambling impacted the prevalence of gambling addiction, and what steps can individuals take to avoid falling into the trap of compulsive gambling?

2 -- You have spoken about the potential for a major point shaving scandal in college sports. Can you elaborate on this and explain why you believe it is just around the corner?

3 -- With the media's increased coverage of gambling in sports, do you believe that the media plays a role in contributing to the rise of gambling addiction?

4 -- What new challenges have emerged in recent years in the landscape of gambling addiction, and how have you adjusted your approach to address these challenges?

5 -- What advice would you offer to parents and educators concerned about the rise of underage gambling, particularly given the ease with which young people can access online sports gambling platforms?

Contact Information

For more information on Arnie & Sheila Wexler Associates and their services, visit their website at www.aswexler.com. They can be reached via phone at 954-501-5270 or by email at awexler@aswexler.com or swexler@aswexler.com.

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Headline: "Discover the Thrill of Sports Betting: The Unforgettable World Baseball Classic Showdown That Ignited a Nation!"

Las Vegas, NV - March 21, 2023 - The World Baseball Classic (WBC) semi-final between Japan and Mexico proved to be an unforgettable, nail-biting game, with Japan securing a victory in the final moments. It was a rollercoaster of emotions for fans and bettors alike, demonstrating the captivating power of sports betting as a source of entertainment. Huntington Press, the leading publisher of expert gambling strategies and Las Vegas-related titles, is proud to present their upcoming book, "All About Sports Betting," which delves into the exciting world of sports betting, including the author's personal experiences with a successful betting group and practical tips for recreational bettors.

About Huntington Press:

Huntington Press is a specialty publisher of Las Vegas and gambling-related books and periodicals, including the award-winning consumer newsletter, Anthony Curtis' Las Vegas Advisor. Founded in 1983, Huntington Press offers a wealth of expert gambling strategies and insights into the Las Vegas scene, making it the go-to resource for both national and international media.

Five Questions a Journalist Could Ask Anthony Curtis.

1 -- What inspired you to write "All About Sports Betting," and how will it benefit readers new to the world of sports betting?

2 -- Can you share some of your experiences as part of a successful sports betting group in the '90s, and how has the industry evolved since then?

3 -- In your book, you discuss the concept of "sweating" games. How do you think this enhances the sports betting experience for recreational bettors?

4 -- What are some key strategies for recreational sports bettors to avoid the inherent dangers of gambling and enjoy the entertainment value it offers?

5 -- How has the legalization of sports betting changed the landscape for both casual and professional bettors in recent years?

For media inquiries or to schedule an interview with Anthony Curtis, the expert behind Huntington Press, please contact:

Huntington Press

3665 Procyon Street

Las Vegas, Nevada 89103

E-mail: cs@huntingtonpress.com (with the subject line "Interview Request for Anthony Curtis")

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Renowned Strategist David Morey Shares Unique Insights on Leadership from China

Washington D.C. - David Morey, a business strategist, author, and speaker, has recently been making headlines for his compelling perspective on leadership from China. With over 30 years of experience studying Chinese culture, language, and business practices, Morey has become an expert in the field of global leadership.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in Chinese leadership techniques, particularly as China's economic and political influence continues to expand globally. Morey's latest book, "Leadership from China: How to Inspire Your People and Succeed in the Global Marketplace," provides unique insights into how Chinese leaders approach their roles and the lessons that can be applied by leaders in other parts of the world.

David Morey is the founder and CEO of DMG Global, a firm that advises corporations, governments, and non-profit organizations on strategy, marketing, and communications. He has advised a range of clients, including Coca-Cola, Nike, and the United Nations, and is a frequent contributor to publications such as The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times.

Five Questions for David Morey:

1 -- What inspired you to study Chinese culture and business practices?

2 -- What are some of the key differences between Chinese leadership and leadership in other parts of the world?

3 -- Can you provide an example of a successful Chinese leader and the traits that made them effective?

4 - How can non-Chinese leaders apply Chinese leadership principles in their own organizations?

5 - What role do you think leadership from China will play in the global marketplace in the coming years?

To schedule an interview with David Morey, please contact David Morey at dmorey@dmghq.com or call: 202-223-7945

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5 Ways the World Will Look Different in 2100: Oklahoma Financial Adviser Greg Womack Weighs In

Oklahoma City, OK - Greg Womack, a seasoned financial adviser with over 30 years of experience, recently shared his insights on the ways the world is set to change by 2100. In a press release titled "5 Ways the World Will Look Different in 2100," Womack discussed the following:

Electric vehicles: With concerns over climate change growing, more and more people are turning to electric vehicles (EVs) as a cleaner mode of transportation. Womack notes that estimates suggest there may be as many as 145 million EVs on the road by 2030, with the number only set to rise in the coming decades.

Household robots: As technology continues to advance, robots are becoming more common in homes around the world. These domestic bots offer companionship or help with tasks like lawn mowing, vacuuming, and mopping. Estimates suggest about 55 million domestic bots will be sold next year alone, indicating a significant shift in how we think about household chores.

Wild elephants: Despite concerns about poaching and habitat loss, the number of elephants in the wild has actually doubled since 1989, according to Earth.org. By 2100, we may see even more of these majestic creatures roaming the earth.

Streaming services: Streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime have already transformed the way we consume media, but Womack suggests there may be room for growth in this area. Currently, the average number of streaming services per household is four, but he notes that there may be further expansion in the coming years.

Centenarians: Finally, Womack highlights the importance of considering longevity when planning for the future. He notes that we are in the midst of a "longevity revolution," with the number of centenarians set to rise dramatically by 2100. Estimates suggest that there may be as many as 25 million centenarians – people age 100 or older – around the globe by that time.

Womack Investment Advisers, Inc., the firm founded by Greg Womack, is a registered investment adviser that provides a wide range of planning services with an emphasis on investment management and fee-based planning. Womack has been quoted in publications such as Barron's, The Wall Street Journal, and USA Today.

Five Questions for Greg Womack:

1 -- What inspired you to write about the ways the world will look different in 2100?

2 -- How should people consider longevity when planning for their financial future?

3 -- What impact do you think the rise of electric vehicles will have on the economy and society?

4 -- Can you discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of increased use of household robots?

5 -- How do you see the financial planning industry evolving in the coming decades?

To schedule an interview with Greg Womack, please contact:

Womack Investment Advisers, Inc.

Oklahoma / Main Office: 1366 E. 15th Street - Edmond, OK 73013

Phone (405) 340-1717 - Toll Free (877) 340-1717

Contact Mr. Womack directly via email at: greg@womackadvisers.com

Website: www.womackadvisers.com

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"Unlock Your Inner Eco-Warrior: Win Big in Ex Nihilo's Global Recycling Day Contest!"

Washington, DC (March 18, 2023): Are you ready to embrace your inner eco-warrior and make a lasting impact on the planet? Ex Nihilo Management, LLC, a leader in technology governance, cybersecurity, and management consulting, has announced its first annual Employee Global Recycling Day Contest, and it's your chance to shine!

Last year, Ex Nihilo launched its green initiative, focusing on sustainability and combating climate change. After gathering input from customers and suppliers, they've made recycling an essential part of their commitment to global sustainability.

"Recycling is just the beginning," says CEO Dingle. "We're committed to fighting climate change through various sustainable actions, and recycling is a crucial part of that effort. It benefits all living creatures and the environment by reducing energy consumption and improving air and water quality."

Ex Nihilo is celebrating Global Recycling Day on March 18th, but their commitment goes beyond just one day. This year's contest theme is "Creative Innovation," inviting employees to participate in the company's sustainability efforts in various ways. From recycling and upcycling to raising awareness on social media, every action counts in making a difference.

The company's dedication to sustainability doesn't stop there. Join Ex Nihilo's second annual Earth Hour Watch Party on March 25, 2023, and spend 60 minutes making a positive impact on the planet. To register, visit: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_A82EvlnSRQWtEmYktN10Xg

Five questions journalists might want to ask Angela Dingle :

1 -- How does Ex Nihilo plan to measure the impact of its Global Recycling Day Contest?

2 -- What are some other green initiatives Ex Nihilo has implemented or plans to implement in the future?

3 -- Can you share any examples of creative innovations submitted by employees in this contest?

4 -- How does Ex Nihilo plan to expand its sustainability commitments in the coming years?

5 -- Are there any collaborative efforts with other organizations or communities to promote recycling and sustainability?

For more information about Ex Nihilo Management, LLC, its sustainability efforts, and the Global Recycling Day Contest, visit www.exnihilo-mgmt.com/sustainability/. For further inquiries, please contact Ex Nihilo's Public Relations team at pr@exnihilo-mgmt.com.

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Book Title Generator, a Book by Scott Lorenz – The Leading Book Publicist.

Is your Title designed to sell?

Would Harper Lee's renowned classic, To Kill a Mockingbird, have done as well as Atticus?

What will they read next?

If the title doesn't grab them, it's game over.

Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more.

He shares his secrets.

His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Woman's World, & Howard Stern to name a few.

You'll learn:

- How to effect sales with a title change.

- The power of numbers, alliteration, and idioms.

- Why keyword research is important and how to do it.

- plus, much more.

Book Title Generator is designed to help authors and publishers spark the idea to lead them to the perfect book title. It's the surefire way to find your winning title.

You'll adore this crucial piece of the marketing puzzle because he writes with wit and humor to help you truly know the concepts.

https://www.Book-Marketing-Expert.com/ or contact Lorenz at scottlorenz@westwindcos.com or by phone -- at 734-667-2090. Follow Lorenz on Twitter @aBookPublicist

Five Questions for Scott Lorenez:

1 -- What inspired you to create the Book Title Generator, and how does it stand out from other AI-based title generators?

2 -- How does a well-crafted book title contribute to a book's overall success?

3 -- Can you share some examples of how a title change positively impacted a book's sales or reception?

4 -- How does the Book Title Generator use keyword research to help authors and publishers find the perfect title?

5 -- Where can readers purchase your book, and how can they contact you for more information on book publicity and marketing?

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"Retail Guru Liza Amlani Unveils Industry Game-Changers, Nordstrom Exit Analysis, and Exclusive Events in The Merchant Life March Update!"

Summary: Retail industry veteran Liza Amlani, founder of Retail Strategy Group, shares crucial insights and updates from recent industry events in her newsletter, The Merchant Life. With over 20 years of experience and sought-after opinions, Liza discusses process innovation, inclusive retail leadership, and her take on Nordstrom's abrupt exit from Canada. Don't miss out on her upcoming events at Shoptalk 2023 and RetailWire Live, as well as the results of her retail tech survey. Join The Merchant Life now for invaluable expertise from a global retail authority!

Five questions a journalist would ask Retail Guru Liza Amlani

1 -- How has Liza Amlani's extensive experience with renowned brands like Holt Renfrew, Ralph Lauren, and Nike shaped her unique perspective on the retail industry?

2 -- What were the key takeaways from the process innovation discussion at PI Apparel in LA that Liza Amlani participated in?

3 -- How does Liza Amlani's expertise on retail merchandising and product creation contribute to the advancement of diversity and inclusion within the retail industry?

4 -- Considering Liza Amlani's analysis of Nordstrom's departure from Canada, what advice would she give to other retailers looking to expand into new geographical markets?

5 -- As a regular contributor to RetailWire, Bloomberg, Forbes, and other publications, how does Liza Amlani's global perspective influence her insights on the retail industry's future trends and challenges?

To learn more about Liza Amlani, her invaluable expertise in the retail industry, and the insights shared in The Merchant Life, please contact Raj Dhiman, Chief Rainmaker, at raj@retailstrategygroup.com or by phone at 416-627-3008. Sign up for her monthly newsletter and other updates by visiting www.themerchantlife.com.

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 "Is Your Home Slowly Killing You? Discover the Secrets of a Clean and Healthy Life with Expert William Griffin!"

Brief Bio: William Griffin is a cleaning expert and small business owner with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the industry. Starting his first business at the young age of six, Griffin has since become the world's leading authority on cleaning and maintenance. With over 10 books and 200 articles under his belt, Griffin's enthusiasm, quick wit, and engaging personality make him an unforgettable guest and thought-provoking authority on all things cleaning.

Five questions a reporter would ask about cleaning.

1 -- What are the most common cleaning mistakes people make that could be detrimental to their health?

2 -- How can someone effectively and safely clean their home or office to avoid potential health hazards?

3 -- What advice would you give to someone who wants to start their own cleaning business and earn a substantial income?

4 -- How can consumers ensure they're not getting ripped off when hiring a professional cleaning service?

5 -- What are the best practices to maintain indoor air quality and avoid health hazards in residential and commercial spaces?

Contact Information:

For more information about William Griffin or to arrange an interview, please contact: 206-824-4434 bg1@ccsml.com

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Jim Ciardella is a storyteller, Ferrari enthusiast, and native Californian.

Born and raised in Palo Alto, California, he grew up in the heart of Silicon Valley. His new book, titled The Dealer, How One California Dealership Fueled the Rise of Ferrari Cars in America, is the story of Ferrari of Los Gatos, a dealership that became number one in North America during the 1980s.

Along with Ferraris, the dealership sold hot rods, muscle cars, and other classic cars, gaining the reputation to be able to find any car a customer desired. The book tells how the business became so successful and shares stories from the people that lived the dream daily.

Published by Prometheus Books, part of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., The Dealer is scheduled for release in July, 2022.

Five Questions: for Jim Ciardella

1 -- Jim, what inspired you to write "The Dealer" and how did your passion for Ferraris influence the book's creation?

2 -- What factors contributed to Ferrari of Los Gatos becoming the top dealership in North America during the 1980s?

3 -- Can you share a fascinating story or anecdote from your research on Ferrari of Los Gatos?

4 -- How did the Silicon Valley location and unique culture of Ferrari of Los Gatos set it apart from other dealerships?

5 -- What lessons can today's luxury car dealerships learn from the success of Ferrari of Los Gatos?


Jim Ciardella, Author


650) 339-1499

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"Discover the Secrets to a Well-Balanced Life with Dr. Shelby Lane, the Internet Doctor Who's Changing Lives!"

Bio: Dr. Cynthia Shelby-Lane, MD, is a multi-talented physician, world-renowned speaker, webinar host, writer, producer, comedienne, mother, and television talk show host. As a board-certified anti-aging expert, Dr. Lane empowers people with heart disease, stress, anxiety, and cancer through her proven approaches to whole body healing. She is known as the 'Internet Doctor', answering patient questions through her website service. Her motto, "Laughter is Good Medicine," drives her mission to educate the public on Anti-Aging and the choices to lead a happy and healthy life.

Medical Specialties: Dr. Shelby-Lane is a board-certified expert in Anti-Aging, Functional, and Regenerative Medicine. She is also a certified professional health coach, focusing on lifestyle management and medical techniques for healing.

Experience: Dr. Lane has extensive experience in various platforms, including radio, television, stages, and the internet, to reach a global audience.

Five Health Questions:

1 -- How do you combine humor and medicine in your approach to healing?

2 -- What inspired you to become the 'Internet Doctor' and how has it impacted your practice?

3 -- What are the key components of a well-balanced life, according to your latest book?

4-- Can you share some success stories from your practice where patients have overcome stress, anxiety, or chronic illnesses?

5 -- How do your webinars and talk show appearances help educate the public about Anti-Aging and the choices for a happy & healthy life?

How to Contact:

For interviews, speaking engagements, or further information, please contact Dr. Cynthia Shelby-Lane at:800-584-4926 agelessdoctor@GMAIL.com Visit here website at: https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/shelbylanemd

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Aging Is A Curable Disease - YOU Can Do It!

Surprise, AZ - Barbara Morris, a respected pharmacist, writer, and aging issues expert, reveals her belief that aging is a curable disease, and anyone can overcome it. She bases her claims on Dr. David Sinclair's book "Lifespan," which supports the idea of treating aging as a disease.

Overview of Ms. Morris:

Pharmacist with decades of experience

Aging is a treatab

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Name: Mitchell Davis
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: 202-333-5000
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