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5 Ways to Create a Faith-Filled Workspace
Barbara Hemphill - Productivity Consultant, Work Life Balance Barbara Hemphill - Productivity Consultant, Work Life Balance
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Raleigh, NC
Tuesday, January 17, 2023


Creating a Faith-Filled Workspace.

I’ll never forget the first time I read the book The Road Less Traveled by Robert Scott Peck. The opening line was something like, “Life is difficult.." I remember being disappointed! The older I get, the more accurate that statement has become.

Every day we are bombarded with challenges we didn’t expect, opportunities we have a passion to pursue, and even problems we created for ourselves! Without faith in someone greater than ourselves, life can become totally overwhelming. However, in the rush of the world, it’s easy to forget – or to fail to take advantage of - the power of our faith.

In a hectic day full of “to-do." lists, meetings, and deadlines – or a quiet day of preparing proposals or writing blogs – here are five things I do that help me feel the power of God in my workspace:

1) Use wall art that inspires and encourages me.

One example is an inspirational calendar hanging just above the SwiftFile on my desk which I use every day without fail! My vision board is full of words and pictures that remind me of the great things God has done in my life.

2) Have Bible verses easily accessible at my desk.

Since 2004, I have had Joyce Meyer’s book The Secret Power of Speaking God’s Word on my desk. When I’m talking to someone on the phone who is having a challenge, it’s easy to flip through and find the perfect verse to share.

3) Write a verse for the week in my calendar.

My original intention was to be a professional musician, but I dropped that idea when I realized it was extremely difficult for me to memorize music. Unfortunately, the same has been true of Bible memorization. Having a Bible verse a week on which I focus is helpful.


4) Put an essential oil in a diffuser that helps me focus or relax – depending on my emotional state. Essential oils are made from the immune system of plants -- a wonderful way to breathe the breath of God into my office air!

5) Play music in the background.

Nothing changes my mood more quickly than music. I have a CD collection in my office organized by the type of music, so I can quickly choose what I need – and of course, with my smartphone, I can have any music I need in seconds.

Taking time to create a workspace that reminds you of your faith will help you accomplish your work and enjoy your life – and help others do the same!

Maybe you have a vision for your workspace in mind, but you are not sure where to even start. Are you so overwhelmed with clutter that you can't think beyond just getting things put away? Perhaps things are filed away yet you still can't actually find what you need when you need it. Get your Productive Environment Score today!

If any of this sounds familiar, I would love to hear from you! You can comment directly on this post or even reach out to us for a more personalized solution. Either way, let's connect! Set up a call with our Community Support Specialist to explore possible solutions that will work for you. -Barbara Hemphill-

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Name: Barbara Hemphill
Dateline: Raleigh, NC United States
Direct Phone: 919-349-9247
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