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5 Quick Easy Tips for an Instant Makeover
Eileen Hammel -  Smarter Image Eileen Hammel - Smarter Image
Philadelphia, PA
Tuesday, January 30, 2018


5 Quick Easy Tips for an Instant Makeover


Are you a man or a woman who's ready to upgrade your image?  Would you love to be able to instantly enhance and transform your appearance?  Then these 5 simple effective professional techniques from Smarter Image's President and Master Consultant Eileen Hammel are for you. These amazing professional techniques will instantly makeover your appearance.

1. Good posture - using good posture will instantly makeover your body making you appear thinner, taller, younger and allowing you to project a better physique without having to actually change your body. To employ the power of good posture stand sideways in front of a full length mirror with your head up, neck straight, shoulders straight, tummy in, spine straight and WOW what a difference!


2. New hair color – changing your hair color can be one of the most powerful ways to instantly makeover your appearance.  No need to dramatically change your color. Just by changing your color one or two shade or with strategically placed highlights you can create an amazing change.


3. Smile – one of the many proven benefits of smiling is that it can make you look younger and healthier. To produce a sincere relax smile visualize someone or something that really makes you happy and hold that picture in your mind for the duration of the smile.


4. Clothes that fit properly - clothes that fit your body properly will instantly make your body appear pounds thinner. To insure proper fit you should avoid clothes that cling, and are so tight that they create bulges and bumps or clothes that are so large they hang off your body and balloon out. The best fit is clothes that are slightly tailored and gently skim your body.


5.  Colors that flatter you - If you instantly want to make your complexion appear brighter and healthier, and  add a sparkle to your eyes wear colors that are flattering to you especially near your face such as blouses, jackets and accessories .

Eileen Hammel is President and Master Consultant at Smart Image a leader in the Image Industry and Nonverbal Communication Field. Eileen is recognized as a National and International Image, Makeover and Nonverbal Communication Expert. SI@smarterimageglobal.com

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Name: Eileen Hammel
Dateline: Philadelphia, PA United States
Direct Phone: 484 - 416 - 5453
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