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4 Powerful Tips For Younger Healthier Skin
Eileen Hammel -  Smarter Image Eileen Hammel - Smarter Image
Philadelphia, PA
Thursday, February 1, 2018


4 Powerful Tips For Younger Healthier Skin

By Eileen Hammel


     If you are one of the millions of men and women who are looking for easy powerful ways to defy the signs of aging and have younger healthier skin then  these four powerful tips are for you. These simple but powerful techniques deliverers effective result no matter what stage of the aging process you're at.

1. Nourish Your Skin From The Inside - Drink 8 glasses of water a day. Eat a balance healthy diet. Take antioxidants and vitamins such as green tea, soy, vitamins A, B, C and E all of which are excellent for creating healthy young skin

2. Exercise - exercise is great for every organ in your body and your skin is no exception. Whether walking, running, biking, taking a class, joining a gym, or using home exercise equipment for as little has 20 minutes a day 3 to 4 times a week you can experience a healthier, younger, more radiant change to your skin in a very short period of time.

3. Don't Over Exfoliate - Exfoliation is one of the best renewal processes for your skin. It helps to shed the top layer of dead skin cells, unclog pores, makes skin more receptive to moisturizer and improves the look and feel of your skin. However dermatologists' caution that the over use of exfoliating products can leave the skin dry, red, irritated and more vulnerable to sun damage. You should not use exfoliating products such as AHA products, micro-dermabrasion treatments or facial scrubs more than twice a week.

4. Increase Skin Renewal - To have young healthy radiant skin your skin needs to eliminate dead skin cells and produce new skin cells. In youth this renewal process takes only 28 days but has skin ages this process can take up to 50 days. A simple and very effective technique to increase skin renewal and boost skin circulation is to apply your facial cleanser with a soft round facial brush in a circular motion

Eileen Hammel is President and Master Consultant at Smart Image a leader in the Image Industry and Nonverbal Communication Field. Eileen is recognized as a National and International Image, Makeover and Nonverbal Communication Expert. SI@smarterimageglobal.com

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Name: Eileen Hammel
Dateline: Philadelphia, PA United States
Direct Phone: 484 - 416 - 5453
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