Home > NewsRelease > #169 Two Page Spreads
#169 Two Page Spreads
Denny Hatch -- Direct Mail Expert Denny Hatch -- Direct Mail Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Philadelphia, PA
Tuesday, October 4, 2022



 #169 Blog Post - Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Posted by Denny Hatch


Your Private Collection of 190 CarAds.
Oops! Sorry! All Are Virtually Unreadable.

AnnouncingThe World's Strangest New Magazine—
EntirelyMade up of Two-page Car Advertisements


Okay,the Ford Bronco spread above is not an advertisement. But it sure as helllooks to me like an ad. Actually, this is the editorial content of a strange new magazine. What's more, it is indeed virtually unreadable. The copy at leftis white type surprinted over a busy field of long grass and weeds.  Here's the text:



Last week I stumbled across the fascinatingstory of  the launch of this magazine by Samir Husni, Ph.D. (a.k.a. "Mr.Magazine). For decades Dr. Husni has chronicled the magazine industry, especially delightingin every new magazine that appears.


I have long felt a bit of a kinshipwith Dr. Husni having spent 30 years publishing the newsletter, WHO'SMAILING WHAT! and constantly learning everything I could about directmail—design, copy, readability and ultimately results.


Here is Dr. Husni's lede for the story:


The Two Page Spread: A New Auto Magazine Where Content Is A Beautiful Experience… A Mr. Magazine™ Launch Story

September 26, 2022 

“In keeping with my love of print, each new feature will also include a link to a downloadable file of the Spread in a high-resolution, printable format, suitable for printing 36? x 24? posters. Because ‘Print Rules’.” Keith Keplinger, Publisher and Art Director

“I think that working with Keith, I have an art director who sees my editorial vision of what a print magazine can be in this age of people “reading” enthusiast content on their phones.” Richard Truesdell, Editor and Chief Contributor

"Keith Keplinger and Richard Truesdell are two well-known names in the circles of automotive media. You mention Keith or Rich and folks will stop and listen to see what those two are up to. Some folks at their age either retire or leave the entire industry behind, but their creative juices refuse to let them stop, and as Michael Clinton would say, they are roaring into their second act. And roar it is. Between the two of them, the ideas don’t only come, but are executed in a well curated, edited, and designed way.

"What follows is the story of the launch of their latest magazine The Two Page Spread (T2PS). Founded by Keith in 2020 and later teamed with Rich the magazine is a beauty to look at and a welcomed addition to the world of print.

"In a typical Mr. Magazine™ format, I asked Keith and Rich my seven questions about the launch of The Two Page Spread and the plans for the future.

"Without any further ado, here is The Mr. Magazine™ Interview with Keith Keplinger, publisher and art director, and Richard Truesdell, editor and chief contributor . . . "


BelowAre 4 Additional Twp-page Thumbnails
From This Year's Oddest-designed New Magazine

1. Curious Design: I inserted the vertical white linesseparating each these four 2-page spreads to represent the magazine's gutter. Asa result, every automobile is cut in half. Hardly world-class design.


2. All copy is virtually unreadable. The designer pummels every accepted rule oftype fonts, backgrounds and readability.


Rules For Making Print CopyReadable.
• “Never set your copy in white type on a black background and never set itover a gray or colored tint. [Or a busy, mottled background.] The old school ofart directors believed that these devices forced people to read the copy; wenow know that they make reading physically impossible.”
—David Ogilvy


• "Avoid gray walls oftype." —David Ogilvy


• "Nothing is lessinviting than a solid page of text with nothing to break it up or catch theeye."
—Ed Elliott


Aningenious sequence of boldly displayed crossheads (mini-headlines) can deliver the substanceof your entire pitch to glancers who are too lazy to wade through the text.”
—David Ogilvy


“Aftertwo or three inches of copy, insert your first mini-headline [crosshead], andthereafter pepper them throughout. They keep the reader marchingforward.”
—David Ogilvy


   •"Type smaller than 9-point is difficult for most
       people to read."
—David Ogilvy


• Experts urge the use serif type (e.g., Times, Garamond)for copy in printed material and sans serif (e.g., Verdana, Helvetica) indigital communications.

• "Design is important, but copy is king."
—Malcolm Decker

You Invited to Contrast These Two-pageSpreads
With Ogilvy's Two-page Masterpiece for Rolls Royce


Click Above to see this Ogilvy ad jumbo size.


Click Below to Make Your Product Unique and Sexy



Takeaways to Consider

Here'syour private access to 190 spreads from the magazine.

Click on: 

ScrollDown and click on any of the 190 thumbnails.

Grabany thumbnail and slide it onto your screen as a jpg.

Click on this jpeg and it immediately becomes a giant two-page spread.

Under normal circumstances, the type on these pages would be easily readable. Theproblem is a designer who believes it is more important to make all copy tolook "pretty" and "arty" rather than readable... and who spells "Art" with acapital F.

Ifyou disagree with me on this, I'd love to hear your thinking.

Thank you.




WordCount: 845





The Most Fun You Can Have
In the English Language
At age 15, Denny Hatch—as a lowly apprentice—wrote his first news release for a Connecticut summer theater. To his astonishment it ran verbatim in The Middletown Press.He was instantly hooked on writing. After a two-year stint in the U.S. Army (1958-60), Denny had nine jobs in his first 12 years in business. He was fired from five of them and went on to save two businesses and start three others. One of his businesses—WHO’S MAILING WHAT! newsletterand archive service founded in 1984—revolutionized the science of how to measure the success of competitors’ direct mail. In the past 55 yearshe has been a book club director, magazine publisher, advertising copywriter/designer, editor, journalist and marketing consultant. He is the author of four published novels and seven books on business and marketing.



Note to Readers:  
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Googleowns Blogspot.com and this Comment Section. If you do not have a Googleaccount — or if you find it too damn complicated — contact me directly and Iwill happily post your comment with a note that this is per your permission. Thank you and do keep in touch. dennyhatch@yahoo.com

Invitation to Marketers and Direct Marketers: 
Guest Blog Posts Are Welcome. 
If you have a marketing story to tell, case history, concept to propose or a memoir, give a shout. I’ll get right back to you. I am: dennyhatch@yahoo.com
215-644-9526 (rings on my desk). 

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Name: Denny Hatch
Group: Denny Hatch's Marketing Blog
Dateline: Philadelphia, PA United States
Direct Phone: 215-644-9526
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