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10 Ways to Become a Change Agent When an Inspirational Book Idea Hits
Nina Amir -- Nonfiction Book Coach Nina Amir -- Nonfiction Book Coach
Los Gatos, CA
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Author of Change Transformational Programs
If you are a writer who wants to author books that inspire positive action in readers, you are a change agent. You are someone who wants to "author change."

Books that inspire change take different forms: novels or nonfiction. They cover many topics: self-help, spirituality, human potential, ecology, the economy, metaphysics, health and wellness, consciousness, justice, equality, and more. And they inspire change in individuals, organizations, communities, and the world.

You might have what it takes to be an author of change. You might have wisdom, experiences, information, or a story. But the moment that the light bulb goes off and you have the idea for a change-inspiring book, you have to become a change agent. It takes a while to write a book and get it published. It can take a year and a half if you traditionally publish—and that's after you finish writing the book and find an agent and publisher. Even if you self-publish, you have to write the book, have it edited and proofed and get a cover designed (and the interior of the book as well if you don't just produce an ebook); this can take 3-12 months.

Start doing what it creates to author change right away. Here are 10 ways to accomplish this goal:

  1. Have a mission. Know why you feel compelled to write your book. Define your purpose. Combine your passion with a purpose. Passion + Purpose = Inspiration
  2. Know the benefits of your movement or cause. People will get on board and take up your cause—actually act on your proposed change—if they understand the benefit to themselves, to others or to the world. Figure out the value your message adds.
  3. Broadcast your mission. Communicate about your cause. Let people know why you are doing what you are doing. Share your purpose and your passion and your rmessage. When you feel inspired, your inspiration will become contagious. Use all the social networks–Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest, LinkedIn (or choose two tow which you can really commit). Talk about it everywhere.
  4. Set up a blog. You and your message need to be discoverable online. That's where people search for everything, so broadcast your message in cyberspace. A blog gives you a "home" on the Internet, and a way to get that website more easily found by readers.
  5. Blog in a focused manner. Have a content plan or a focus for your blog that pertains to your book, your cause and your message. Better yet, blog your book. Stay on topic and blog often about the change you want to inspire.
  6. Create online community. Develop a place where people who want to get on board with your message or cause can do so. Start a forum or a subscription site. Build more followers and fans with a Facebook page, LinkedIn group, Google Plus hangout, Twitter Chat, etc.
  7. Connect with like-minded online "influencers" and friends. Get other people with more reach than yours–to join your cause and to promote it. Ask those you know to help promote.
  8. Build community offline. Promote your idea everywhere. Start MeetUps. Create masterminds. Go to conferences. Join organizations.
  9. Use every possible tool. Try podcasting or free radio shows so your content is on iTunes. Create YouTube videos. Produce photos and post them to Instagram.
  10. See yourself as more than just an author. See yourself as a change agent—an author of change.
Of course, then you need to write your book—a book that actually inspires readers to action. If you do all of these things, you will become an author of change. The people who will have gathered around you will take your message out into the world, and they'll be waiting to buy your book so they can use it to help them continue creating change. You will have authored change and created a community of change agents ready to use your book to continue creating change in their lives and in the world.

If you would like to transform yourself into an author of change, register for free teleseminar, "10 Ways to be an Author of Change from the Moment of Inspiration," on 12/10 from 5:00-5:45 pm PT by clicking here. Or learn more about the Author of Change Transformational Coaching Program, a 3-month intensive that begins in January and helps you become an author of change, by visiting www.authorofchange.com

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Name: Nina Amir
Title: Inspiration to Creation Coach
Group: Pure Spirit Creations
Dateline: Placitas, NM United States
Direct Phone: 5055081025
Cell Phone: 408-499-1084
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