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The Jack LaLanne I Knew: Patricia Bragg, Natural Health Icon, Recounts Lifetime with Her Friend, Jack Lalanne
Bragg Live Food Products Bragg Live Food Products
Hollywood, CA
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Legendary fitness figure Jack LaLanne is pictured with longtime friend Dr. Patricia Bragg in 2008
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Santa Barbara?Dr. Patricia Bragg, natural health icon and known as ?Nutritionist to the Hollywood Stars,? shared memories with TV crews and journalists in the wake of the passing of another health icon, Jack LaLanne. Millions of Americans grew up watching him leading exercises on TV in his trademark one-piece outfits which covered a lean body topped off with a handsome, chiseled face. But Patricia Bragg grew up with Lalanne after her father, Dr. Paul C. Bragg, health pioneer and originator of health stores, got him into exercise and a healthy diet when, at the age of 15, LaLanne reluctantly attended one of Bragg?s fitness class.

Patricia Bragg grew up being taught to dance by Jack LaLanne or hanging with him and her father at the famous Muscle Beach in Santa Monica, where LaLanne loved to dispense fitness tips and wisdom to the college students at the beach.

Educating the public and ushering in a natural health revolution were the goals of the Braggs and LaLanne, and they succeeded beyond their wildest expectations. Carolyn Bolton, a reporter for the Santa Barbara News-Press, interviewed Bragg on Monday and she wrote that LaLanne had ?found a successful formula for happiness and long life decades before the onset of health spas and healthy lifestyles?a cultural shift for which he paved the way.?

Patricia told Bolton that, from the time LaLanne attended Paul Bragg?s fitness class, the bond became apparent and ?they became like father and son.? She was philosophical about his passing, saying that LaLanne and her father were probably ?up there together lifting weights. I am deeply saddened to learn of the loss of my friend and colleague, I will miss him. My dad taught a young Jack everything about health and he became my father?s most dedicated and accomplished student, and he took great pride in mentoring and seeing Jack?s success.?

Just two weeks ago she visited LaLanne at his home in Morro Bay, ?We had a great time together, sitting around on his sofa talking about how good nutrition and exercise had kept him so healthy all these years!, ? she said.

In honor of her friend and health crusader, Patricia Bragg urges all of us to live our lives as healthy as Jack did. Millions of people around the world owe a debt of gratitude to people like Jack LaLanne, Dr. Paul C. Bragg, Patricia Bragg and many others for the gifts of natural living they have brought to society.

To view a video of Patricia Bragg and Jack LaLane on the Bragg Blog.


For media interviews with Patricia Bragg contact Promotion in Motion at 323-461-3921 or

Barbara Gaughen (Gone) at: 805-968-8567

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