Home > NewsRelease > What Happens When You Participate in the Home Care Marketing Mastermind by ASN?
What Happens When You Participate in the Home Care Marketing Mastermind by ASN?
Valerie VanBooven-Whitsell RN, BSN Valerie VanBooven-Whitsell RN, BSN
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: St. Louis, MO
Sunday, July 3, 2022


Katy Krul and her team went around to their referral sources – ones that refer regularly and ones that may have forgotten about their amazing day services!

  • The images below show what they did with the handouts we created.
  • They printed the images, and used ribbons to tie together small bags of Sees Candies. 
  • Their referral sources were so thankful and really WOWED! by the gesture.

Every month we (Home Care Marketing Mastermind) are sending out free ideas, tips, and printable items that anyone can use to market their senior care busines

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Valerie VanBooven RN BSN
Title: Founder, Co-Owner
Group: Approved Senior Network
Dateline: Saint Charles, MO United States
Direct Phone: 888-404-1513
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