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What's it like to host a VRBO/AirBNB? See the Play “SuperHostess”
Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
Los Angeles, CA
Tuesday, June 7, 2022

At the Hudson Theatre in Hollywood this weekend!
Video Clip: Click to Watch

Most of us have stayed as a guest at a VRBO or Air BNB – now hear from a host who has hosted the guests! To make a few bucks while she was on the road, comedian and keynote speaker Jan McInnis took the plunge into the home sharing community as a host, and it turns out money wasn't all she got. Weird questions, a brand-new $15,000 water pipe (yay!), an education in other people's living habits, and some new friends from around the world are just a few of the other "perks."

SuperHostess is Jan's one-woman play about her funny, frustrating, and eye-opening true trek into the world of sharing her home with strangers. All the stories are real, though the identities have been changed.

SuperHostess will be performed during the Hollywood Fringe Festival, June 1 – 26, 2022, at the Hudson Theatre, 6539 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA.


"What a fun show, hilarious, stories about Jan hosting all sorts of people at her home

and the lessons she learned! Loved it!"


"Funny, triumphant and affirming!"


SuperHostess runs 75 minutes and the remaining dates are:

Saturday June 11,  2:15 pm 

Saturday June 25, 2:15 pm 



Tickets are $15 or $10 with the discount code "Super." Click Here:

SuperHostess  or  http://www.hudsontheatre.com/

The SuperHostess website is:  SuperHostessPlay.com

About Jan McInnis

For over 25 years Jan has traveled the country as a full-time (no waitressing involved) comedian, and keynote speaker stepping onto stages in front of thousands of groups in 49 of our 50 states (come on Alaska, hire her!). She is also an established comedy writer who has sold material to everyone on the planet from Jay Leno's Tonight Show monologue to guests on the Jerry Springer Show (her parents are proud!). Jan is also the author of 2 books: "Finding the Funny Fast. How to Create Quick Humor to Connect with Clients, Coworkers & Staff," and "Convention Comedian: Stories and Wisdom from Two Decades of Chicken Dinners and Comedy Clubs."

McInnis is currently touring theatres in the "Baby Boomer Comedy Show – Clean Comedy for People orn Before Seatbelts, Safety Helmets, and Facebook."

In addition to being a comedian and comedy writer, she is also a keynote speaker. McInnis shows companies how to use humor in business through her popular keynotes "Finding the Funny in Change" and "Finding the Funny in Communications. She also shares her keynote on resilience titled "Bouncing Back: Handling Setbacks like a Comedian," and she's a sought after Master of Ceremonies who keeps the event rolling whether it's a sales kickoff event or an awards banquet.

For more information about Jan or SuperHostess visit:

SuperHostess HollyWood Fringe

SuperHostessPlay.com – superhostess website

https://www.TheWorkLady.com – her website

 https://comedianstories.com/podcast/ - her podcast

linkedin: https://www.linkedin

twitter: https://twitter.com/janmcinnis

youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/JanMcInnisComedian



Tel: 800-492-9394

Email: Jan@TheWorkLady.com

Jan McInnis

Keynote Speaker, Comedian, and Master of Ceremonies


#hudsontheatre #hff22 #hollywoodfringefestival #airbnb #vrbo #homesharing #superhostess #workhumor #officehumor #governmenthumor #returntotheoffice  #conferencekeynotespeaker #workingfromhome #takeabreak #virtualevents #liveevents #meetingprofs #hospitalitystrong #hospitalityindustry #eventplanner #eventindustry #event #virtualhumor #jokesandcomedians #boomercomedy #comedyshows #humorkeynotes #comedianpodcast #shortpodcast #podcast #humorpodcast #motivationalpodcast #comedianstoriespodcast #comedianstories #topkeynotespeaker #findingthefunnyinchange #humorkeynote #funneyfemalespeaker #funnymotivationalspeaker #npr #nationalpublicradio #cleancomedian  #funnykeynotespeaker #inspirationalkeynotespeaker #changemanagementspeaker #femalecomedians #femalestandupcomedians #femalecomedian #bestfemalecomedian #topfemalecomedian #bestfemalestandupcomedians #changemanagementkeynotespeaker #changespeaker #keynote #keynotespeaker #comedyemcee #masterofceremonies 

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Jan McInnis
Title: Funny Keynote Speaker
Group: The Work Lady
Dateline: Los Angeles, CA United States
Direct Phone: 800-492-9394
Cell Phone: 800-492-9394
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