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The 10 Most Effective Strategies for Staying Effective in The Face of Coronavirus Crisis
Michael J. Herman  -- Mr. Motivation -- The World's Biggest Motivational Force Michael J. Herman -- Mr. Motivation -- The World's Biggest Motivational Force
Burbank, CA
Saturday, March 14, 2020


The 10 Most Effective Strategies for Staying Effective in The Face of Coronavirus Crisis

Michael J. Herman is the World's Most Ubiquitous Motivational Influencer and author of the globally syndicated column The Motivational Minute!®.

In times of stress and anxiety, it's easy to fall into patterns of despair and panic. However, the antidote to this and a simple recipe for regaining posture and poise is to continuously implement habits of reassurance and effectiveness.

The reason you have to continually maintain vigilance is because the id wants to find reasons for panic and disorder, but by intentionally taking command of one's thought processes and emotional intelligence, what seems enormous and all powerful soon appears what it really is, a temporary issue over which you possess ultimate control.

So try these formulas for transforming your distressings into blessings.

  • Consume as much positive input as possible. If you're like me, you thrive on the inspiration and enthusiasm of others.

Nourish yourself not only on those around us, but those who have the keys to the kingdom. What kingdom? The realm of the Inspired. It's where kings of higher consciousness spend their time. The subconscious mind naturally defaults to "What's wrong?" instead of "What's right?" So exposing your intake systems (eyes, ears, touch, taste, and smell) to overwhelmingly positive input literally floods the mind with positivity and leaves no room for worry. And since the subconscious only knows what you tell it, it starts acting in a       positive fashion.

  • Who should you check out? Anyone with a positive message. They're all around and most of the best of them are online and free.                         Dr. Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, T. Harv Eker, Dr. Wayne Dyer,  Les Brown, Steve Harvey, Oprah, Dr. Barbara DeAngelis, and of course    Ellen DeGeneres are popular purveyors of positivity. Ellen's brand is a constant torrent of humor and feel good stories.

"But Mike, not everyone can have a positive outlook, especially all     the time?"

Hogwash! In fact, in this life, your attitude and your level of optimism is perhaps one of the singular factors over which you do have total control. A lot of bad things can happen, but if you frame your life through a filter of "Yes" things get better. It's just the way things work. Ask Nelson Mandela who spent decades in a prison cell only to rise to Prime Minister of the country that imprisoned him.

There are millions of suggestions I can rattle off that can pump you up no matter what your circumstance. People like Tony Robbins, Tyrese Gibson, Dan Pena, and      Garrett J. White are gurus that pump me up. Nearly all these experts' works are easily accessible and in your public library.

  • Like Napoleon Hill taught us throughout his life, surround yourself with positive like minded people and you too will be successful like them.

What more is there to say. If a salmon swims up stream against all other salmon swimming downstream eventually, the salmon will be turned in the wrong direction. So get people of influence and vision around you as soon as possible and go with them, or get them to join your journey.

  • Create a Vision Board. It's a visual representation of where you want your life to go. If you want cars, houses, jobs, travel, toys, family, friends, health, community, ease, enlightenment, creativity, divinity, or even serenity, put pictures of these things on a board and position it in a way that your eyes will see it and your subconscious mind will find ways to act on achieving it.
  • Move your body. Being sedentary for extended periods is an absolute sabotage for your inspired state of being. Raucous, agitated, hysterical aerobic exercise is not necessary. What is required though is moving.

Tony Robbins reminds us that "Motion is emotion, and emotion is motion" Move your body, if even from one place to another. Change your posture, or change your physiology. Move the fluids. Get the blood pumping. Get breath pumping through your lungs. One day you won't be able to do so, so do it now while you're still able.

  • Stop listening to what others think and say. When I've interviewed top achievers in almost any field of specialization, almost everyone has said they persevered despite being told they were crazy.

The fact is that what others think about you is none of your business and your mission and responsibility is to be the most outstanding version of you that you can manifest. Yes, even in times of extreme stress. Anything that detracts from your stated ambition is merely fluff and not relevant. Listen to your inner voice that guides you to higher levels of excellence. Surely it will never let you down.

  • Track your successes and not your failures. Even the smallest of victories must be celebrated and celebrated like returning heroes from war.           

T. Harv Eker, Author of Secrets of The Millionaire Mind tells us that even finding a single penny on the ground must be elevated to an event of great abundance. If you cannot be grateful for the small things, the Universe won't give you the big ones.

  • TV talk show host and personality Steve Harvey extols the virtue of Gratitude. Without gratitude, good and great things cannot grow. Without gratitude the soil in which good and great things grow turns hard, dense, and unable to support living, abundant gifts.

The online greeting card and gifting company SendOutCards.com is predicated on the value of gratitude and the importance of saying thank you, you're important, and I love you. They make it easy and cheap to send a heartfelt greeting card, upload a photo, and even attach a gift from your mobile device or computer. And everyone likes getting a loving greeting card.

Get in the daily, if not hourly habit of saying "Y-E-S" Yes gives life and room to grow. Yes allows for possibility to happen. Yes creates miracles and opens new doors.

Unfortunately all too often we say no, even for no good reason. Saying no without reason is simply a learned behavior pattern. But what's it get us?

In my earlier career as a TV Writer, hearing "NO" on a fairly constant basis was at times debilitating to my psyche. However, when I started training myself to say and to listen for yes, literally everything changed. And almost immediately!

Saying yes is perhaps one of the most powerful and transformative words in any language on earth.  Try adding it more often and see how profoundly your world improves.

  • Persevere. You may be smarter, stronger, taller, richer, more connected, more talented, or even more right than me, but you will never out last me. I will persevere and win, if only because I absolutely refuse under any circumstances to give up.

Even in the face of total annihilation and blundering loss, I will never quit. I will never give up. I will persevere. It is this quality, if no other that gets me, you, or anyone through tough times.

The alligator as a species survives because it perseveres through the harshest of conditions. Love it or hate it, the cockroach has transverse eons of evolution and change. Not because it's smart, not because it's creative, or even because it's lucky. It lasts because it perseveres.

  • In summation, there are a zillion ways you can create better feelings and a more robust abundance in your life to conquer during setbacks and stresses. These were just a few. As you implement them your results will beckon even more techniques and strategies for optimistic outlooks.

Michael J. Herman is an expert on the topics of Inspiration, mental toughness, and overcoming insurmountable obstacles. His forthcoming book is How To Succeed in College with A Disability; The No BS Roadmap to Your Diploma due out May 5, 2020. Contact Michael J. Herman for review galleys and interviews, or just for a good word.

Please let me know if and how I can be of value.
Michael J. Herman, Speaker-Writer-Author-Entrepreneur
(818) -894-4610  |  M: (818) 441-9288
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Name: Michael J. Herman
Title: President, CEO
Group: The Motivational Minute Publishing Company
Dateline: Granada Hills, CA United States
Direct Phone: 818-894-4610
Main Phone: 818-894-4610
Cell Phone: 818-441-9288
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