Tractor Beam Marketing -- Marketing Education
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Tractor Beam Marketing -- Marketing Education
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
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Jake Bergen
Edmonton, AB
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About Tractor Beam Marketing.
Building & Marketing with Purpose

The Nutshell: You have a business. You want it to succeed. Marketing is vital. We can help you understand how to market your business effectively. Now - if you want the long, entrepreneuring version, read on.

The Dream : Finding Purpose.
Every business owner or entrepreneur can identify with "the dream". It usually isn't something you can put your finger on immediately. It takes time and maturity for it to become clear. Sometimes it requires a good teacher to show you how to find it. But it's in there.

Until you find it, you'll be doing what every other person who needs to make a living does. They work. Hour after hour. Day after day. Year after year. They collect and cash their rightfully earned paycheques, and they pay their unending bills. Then when they finishing doing that, they do it all over again. The truth is, sometimes this isn't so bad. This is the life story of most of the working population. And for many people, they are quite happy living this sort of life; it's all they know! But there is a class of people who find this routine extremely unsatisfying. Why? Because "the dream" won't go away.

These people are called entrepreneurs. They're a unique class of people. They do strange things, like quit their well paying jobs and give up a steady paycheque. Some of these people turn away from their years of formal education to follow a crazy inclination or idea. Some of these insane people "go missing" from friends and family and disappear into the abyss of their personal sanctuaries to ponder and to dream, to write and to brainstorm, to assess, to chart and to crunch, to research and to build. All this because they have a crazy "dream" that echoes in their heart and mind.

Some people would automatically think the "dream" means money. But the truth is, while money may factor into the equation, the dream goes way deeper than that. If you've ever started on the journey for the "dream", you know what we mean. It's the purpose and reason why you're even bothering to read this.

Our Dream: Building Dreams.
We started out like most businesses. We took inventory of our personal experiences and skills so we could clearly understand what products and services we could offer a paying public. Then we set out to find a customer willing to pay for those decided products and services. We were a typical supply-and-demand, capitalist venture.

And so it was, we would help people brand and market their businesses. The only problem: this wasn't aligning with our dream. We had been independently doing this for the last 10 years. Although we were joining our skillsets to form a new brand and identity, it clearly wasn't resonating in our hearts. This wasn't really "new" to us. Sure, we could make logos and websites with the best of 'em. Sure, we had a neat "schtick" going. But that didn't matter, because this wasn't "us" anymore. We needed to go deeper than what we had been doing.

And while our phone was ringing, and the customers were knocking on our door - it suddenly "clicked". Building and designing didn't get us excited like helping, teaching and sharing what we had learned. We wanted to help people who were looking for their "dream" to know how to get closer to it.

If you are an entrepreneur and/or a small business owner, the reason you got into your business was not for it to consume your life. So - if you're going to step into the journey of reaching your 'dream'...then you are going to have to learn how to make your business work. Consequently, that means you need to know how to market yourself. No "ifs" or "buts" about it. That's where we can help.

That's what we do.