isdelighted to welcome as our guest, Margaret Fenton, Author of LittleBoy Blue.

Award winning author,Margaret Fenton spent nearly ten years as a child and familytherapist for her county’s child welfare department before focusingon writing.
Hence, her work tends to reflect her interest in socialcauses and mental health, especially where kids are concerned.
Shehas been a planning coordinator of Murder in the Magic City since itsinception in 2003.
Margaret lives in the Birmingham suburb of Hooverwith her husband, a retired software developer, and their adorablePapillons.
She received her B.A. in English from the NewcombCollege of Tulane University. You can find out more about Margaretand her books on her website:
Bee: What is your favoritescene in the book? Why?
Margaret: I love twoscenes in this book. In the first chapter, Claire sees her recent ex,Grant Summerville, when he is falsely accused of child abuse by hisex-employee. Their reunion is a good one. Second, the ending. Andyes, you have to read it to get it. *wink*
Bee: Where do you get thenames for your characters?
Margaret: Claire Conoveris my main character, and her first name was my mother’s middlename. My mother, who passed away in 1989, was one of the many adultswho sparked my deep love for books in my childhood.
Conover is myfather’s middle name, and my grandmother’s maiden name. The nametruly honors my family. Grant’s name came about because I wanted astrong, caring name. His last name is Summerville, just because Ilove summer.
Bee: How completely do youdevelop your characters before beginning to write?

Margaret: Honestly verylittle. Some of them show up in my head fully formed, looks andattitude included.
Bee: How does being achild and family therapist influence your writing?
Margaret: When I was atherapist, I worked in my county’s DHR office. I got to see thedaily struggles of the line workers as they investigated andprotected our county’s youngest citizens. I have so much respectfor those workers, still today.
Bee: What writers have youdrawn inspiration from?
Margaret: There are so, somany. My late childhood was filled with books by Agatha Christie andDick Francis.
My parents NEVER limited anything as far as readinggoes, and I’m grateful for that. Other favorites include JuliaSpencer-Fleming and Laura Lippman.
Love female writers with strongfemale protagonists. And a little romance, of course. I also lovecozies, especially Diane Kelly and the late Mary Daheim.
Bee: What was your firstjob?
Margaret: When I was 15, Iwas the weekend receptionist at an apartment complex for the elderly.They were so sweet and loved to talk.
Bee: What do you do whenyou are not writing?
Margaret: I am theplanning coordinator for Murder in the Magic City, an annualmystery-fan conference at the Homewood Library here in Birmingham inFebruary. In the summer, you can find me in Smith Lake with myhusband and friends.
Bee: What books are youreading at present?
Margaret: Mostly Murder inthe Magic City authors. I’ve recently discovered Lawrence Allan andI love his books. His first is called Big Fat F*ck Up and it’shilarious.
Bee: What are youcurrently working on?
Margaret: There will beone more Claire Conover book and I’m researching that a bit. I am,in my heart of hearts, a cozy-mystery fan. So, I’m writing a cozywith my mother-in-law. Recipes will be included!!
© Margaret Fenton
Thanks once again and goodluck with all your future endeavors. Bee