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You Don't Want to Have Regret when You Die
Nina Amir -- Best Transformation Coach Nina Amir -- Best Transformation Coach
San Jose, CA
Wednesday, August 5, 2020

You Don't Want to Have Regret when You Die

When you think about your life, do you have regrets? Do you wish you'd pursued your dreams? Are you sorry that you created a life based on other people's expectations? Do you feel remorse that your choices were guided by an internal drive to live differently than your parents or to prove something to someone?

I get it.

I've got some regrets of my own.

I wish I hadn't allowed my decisions as an author to be influenced by my literary agents. I'm sorry I let the pressure I felt to increase my income govern the type of business I built. And I feel remorse over letting my fears build walls around my heart. Plus, I regret that I stopped walking my spiritual path to please someone else.

I could go on.

But here's what I know. I am not going to die with these regrets.

How about you?

Last year, I read The Top Five Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware. This book inspired me to evaluate my life against the five regrets she described:

  1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
  2. I wish I hadn't worked so much.
  3. I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings.
  4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
  5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

I've got three more regrets I DO NOT want to have when I die:

  1. I wish I had fulfilled my purpose and made a difference.
  2. I wish I had achieved my personal and spiritual potential.
  3. I wish I had created a life I loved and lived it fully.

This year, when I turned 60, I recommitted to creating a life that would leave me with few—if any—regrets. To achieve that goal, I turned my attention to my personal and spiritual growth.

I hired a Certified High Performance Coach, and I started meeting with a spiritual teacher. I began reading—mostly spiritual books—and using rituals consistently. And, with the help of a few colleagues, I took action to revamp my business so I could pursue my passion and fulfill my purpose.

I focused on both my personal growth and spiritual growth, not just because both are important to me, but because the two are integrally related. Personal growth leads to spiritual growth and vice versa. And personal growth is the secret sauce that helps you succeed in any area of life.

Think about anything you are struggling to create, like:

  • Healthy and fulfilling relationships
  • Consistent spiritual practice
  • Increased productivity
  • Higher consciousness
  • Greater income
  • A relationship with God
  • Better health and fitness
  • More contribution
  • A business you love

One thing stops you from creating these things—YOU. Your mindset and habits are the obstacles, and personal growth is the way to remove them.

As you work on your personal development, you grow and change. You allow yourself to step into the highest version of yourself and to create a life of your own choosing.

Challenged by my coaches, teachers, and colleagues, I began asking myself tough questions, like:

  • What makes me happy?
  • What do I feel passionate about?
  • What do I value?
  • How do I want to earn a living?
  • Who do I want to spend time with?
  • How do I want to experience my life?
  • What is my purpose?
  • How am I holding myself back?

How would you answer those questions?

My answers provided a map from where I found myself to where I want to go—a life with no regrets.

Am I there yet? Not totally.

I'm still fleshing out the details and making changes, but I have more clarity about what I want to create and how I want to show up for whatever time I have left on this planet. And every morning, I step into a version of myself that feels more empowered to make decisions about how to live on my own terms. And I go to sleep with fewer regrets than before as well.

Would you like to create that type of map? Would you like to find a GPS to guide you from where you are to where you want to go? Would you like to know that, when you die, you will do so with few if any regrets about how you lived?

It's time…time to step into the best version of yourself and live life on your terms…time to eliminate the chance of dying with regrets.

If you are ready to take the first step toward a life with no regrets, I'd like to invite you to become a Founding Member of the Inspired Creator Community (ICC). This brand-new program—one I've dreamed of starting for more than two years— provides the essential spiritual and personal development necessary to achieve your potential, fulfill your purpose, and create your desires. ICC is THE place where seekers gather to create a life that feeds their souls. 

Think about it.

The life you've been leading…does it feed your soul? Or does it suck the life out of it, leaving you little to give to anyone, let alone yourself? Will that life leave you with regrets?

My old life didn't feel my soul at all. It left me feeling burned out, depressed, passionless, purposeless, and powerless. It left me with a high likelihood of dying with a lot of regrets…

I don't want that life anymore, and I know you don't either.

So, let's make this change together. Let's create lives that feed our souls.


Click here to find out more and join the Inspired Creator Community.

Join any time! But the Founding Member spots, which include special pricing and $600+ in bonuses, won't last long.

Nina Amir is known as the Inspiration to Creation Coach. As one of 800 elite Certified High Performance Coaches working around the world, she helps her clients Achieve More Inspired Results. She works with people who want to realize their dreams, achieve their potential, fulfill their purpose, and live full lives that feed their souls. Nina is also a bestselling author, certified Law of Attraction Coach, certified rebirther, and ordained minister.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Nina Amir
Title: Inspiration to Creation Coach
Group: Pure Spirit Creations
Dateline: Placitas, NM United States
Direct Phone: 505-508-1025
Cell Phone: 408-499-1084
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