Home > NewsRelease > Working In The Travel Industry After Retirement: This Can Be The Best Route For You
Working In The Travel Industry After Retirement: This Can Be The Best Route For You
Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D. --  Age Brilliantly Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D. -- Age Brilliantly
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: New York, NY
Thursday, October 6, 2022


When we think about wrinkles and silver hair, we commonly associate them with later years of retirement. Most of us plan on stepping off from our careers by the time our hair turns white. This might be a good time for all of us to get rid of this common misconception. Yes, silver-haired elderly people are thriving in their careers, and so can you!

Naturally, many of us may wonder how we can advance our careers after retiring. The answer might be simpler than you are thinking. Looking at Maria Boyd-Scott, now 60, and Joey Boyd-Scott, 68, can help us answer these queries.

Just like a growing class of auxiliary travel workers, both Maria and Joey started in the travel industry. Especially after the mass layoffs in 2020, airlines, hotels, and the travel industry as a whole are struggling with a shortage of workers. So, it has become one of the best industries for workers to start working. And that’s where the elderly, retired people come in.

One of the best things about working in the travel industry is that many of the employees are elderly and silver-haired. Hence, it breaks the ice for all those hesitant people. Moreover, as Maria and Joey explain in The New York Times, working part-time in the travel industry has allowed them multiple benefits.

You can thrive by working part-time in the travel industry after your retirement. If you are still hesitant about the idea, make sure to look at the broader picture. Below are some of the reasons and benefits of working in the travel industry after retirement.

Increase Your Financial Stability: By working in the travel industry, even on part-time structures, you can earn a substantial amount of money. This will provide you with the upper hand to increase your financial stability and security.

This can be a big motivation for elderly people to work in the travel industry after retirement.

Benefit Of Traveling Across Countries: It goes without saying that working in the travel industry allows you to travel from one country to another.

This provides you with the ultimate benefit of traveling across countries and seeing the world. So, you can enjoy different cultures and add to your memories. This can turn out to be a huge motivation for people after their retirement.

Weigh In Your Expertise: After retirement, you are left with a lot of knowledge, experience, and expertise. The travel industry can be the best place to showcase your talents.

Many travel and hospitality industries have become reliant on hiring qualified and reliable workers. Which often turns out to be the elderly population. So, you can boost your expertise by stepping into the travel industry.

Enjoy Lenient Schedules: The travel industry offers many part-time jobs for elderly people. So, you can easily get access to lenient schedules that are suitable for you.

Most of the time, their work routines are made up of selective days of the week. So, you can get to enjoy full-time amenities by working part-time. This can easily be one of the best ways to work after you retire.

The journey to add more to your career and life after retirement can become very vibrant in this way. Thus, working part-time in the travel industry will add colors to your life. To share more on this topic, join our forum. Register now to be a part of the movement with us.

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Name: Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D.
Title: CEO
Group: Age Brilliantly
Dateline: New York, NY United States
Direct Phone: 646-290-7664
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Cell Phone: 646-290-7664
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