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Why Motivational Speakers Don’t Earn What They Are Worth
Robin Jay Robin Jay
Las Vegas, NV
Thursday, September 28, 2017

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No one else gets asked to do his or her work for free. Why should YOU?

You're just hours away from discovering the insider's secrets to earning what you are worth as a speaker and expert. Robin Jay, President of the Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau is launching "INSIDER'S SECRETS: Keys to 6-Figure Speaking." This course is a complete game changer … speakers will wonder where this information was when they began their speaking careers.

As for speakers being asked to speak for free, Jay shares, "I've asked clients, 'What if someone came to you and asked you to do your work for free? How would you feel about that? Oh - and how would you pay your mortgage or other bills?' Guess what? They look shocked! They can't imagine working for free - but, they don't value speakers, which is why they ask speakers to work for free. These managers, attorneys, engineers, and other professionals would NEVER put in a full day's work without compensation. Yet, speakers are asked to do it all the time!"

Why do these clients get away with asking speakers to waive their fee ... and what can speakers do about it to establish their value?

Jay shares that many speakers are industry experts or have other full-time jobs so they just don't need to monetize their speaking. Some are small business owners, happy to speak for free and hopefully drum up new customers for their business. Maybe they just like to be the center of attention. "Whatever the reason," says Jay, "the field of people willing to speak – either for love OR money - has never been more crowded!"

The Solution - So Speakers Will NEVER Have to Speak for Free Again

If you are a speaker and are ready to discover the biggest mistakes most speakers make … and how to avoid them, "Insider's Secrets: Keys to 6-Figures Speaking" is for you. If you've ever worked your tail off speaking for free, hoping to sell books in the back of the room ... only to come home with all the books you started with, or have ever felt that as much as you love to share your message, the struggle just isn't worth it, Jay can help.

Robin Jay says, "As President of the Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau, I hear from speakers ALL THE TIME who want to be listed with the bureau. They want to know how they can raise their fees, how they can get paid to speak, and how they can monetize their passion, their experience, and their messages.

"You shouldn't have to give it away! Now, you're just a few hours away from discovering how to really monetize your expertise. The secrets will surprise and amaze you." Jay shares that her methods are so easy, anyone can do it. She adds, "It's easy and it's fun, especially once you stop working so hard – because even if it's a labor of love, you should never have to work for free! Do what you love AND make money! I'm excited to show you how."

For more information on INSIDER'S SECRETS and to check out dates and times of the upcoming FREE webinar, click here


For more on Robin Jay and the Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau, visit http://LVCSB.com or email: Robin@LVCSB.com.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Robin Jay
Title: President
Group: Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau
Dateline: Henderson, NV United States
Direct Phone: 702-460-1420
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