Home > NewsRelease > Why Caller ID is Not a Great Idea
Why Caller ID is Not a Great Idea
Nancy Friedman -- Telephone Doctor Nancy Friedman -- Telephone Doctor
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, April 17, 2019


By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Customer Service Expert; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training

If this hasn’t happened to you yet, my bet is it will.

You see the name or a number you recognize on the phone and pick it up with, “Hi Joe” (or whoever it says). And low and behold – guess what? It’s not Joe.

Safest bet? Don’t look. Act surprised. Be great on every call. Or if you do look, use your professional greetings.  Don’t discriminate!

I often hear: Well, it’s JUST “Bob” and poor Bob gets a low-grade unprofessional greeting. Not nice.

Bob should get the same greeting as you’d give Taylor Swift. (If she called you that is.)

I’ve been speaking on customer service a long time and I’m asking you to believe me. It’s not worth it to discriminate on how you answer the phone.

Watch this 1 minute Video Blog: and you’ll see what I mean.

Make each call GREAT! Don’t discriminate. Treat each caller as though it was your favorite movie star.

Even if you look and see it’s “Bob Smith” who you know and love, that call should be answered as professionally as you would if it’s not. NOT “Hi Bob” or some other personal note. Because, remember, it may not be Bob.

Example: One day a friend of mine called me about 4 times in a row in a very short period. And each time I saw the name on my cell, I answered as I always do; upbeat and with that eternal smile: “Hi, this is Nancy.”

Finally, on the 5th call with her name popping up I said, “Now what the heck do you want?”

Right, it wasn’t her. It was her friend using her phone, because my friend couldn’t make the call.

So…final answer. Answer your office or cell phone the same way each time. With a buffer, “Hi” and your name, “This is Bob.”  (use your own name, of course,)

Thanks, and share please.

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Nancy Friedman, customer service keynote speaker, is president of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training and a featured speaker at franchise, association, and corporate meetings around the world. A popular TV guest, she appeared on Oprah, The Today Show, CNN, FOX News, Good Morning America and CBS This Morning, as well as hundreds of other radio, television and print outlets around the world, including the Wall Street Journal, and USA Today. The author of 9 books on her chosen topics, Nancy helps corporate America improve their communications with their customers & co-workers. You can see her 9 books here.For more information, log on to Nancy Friedman's website www.nancyfriedman.com or call (314) 291-1012. Oh yeah you can email her at nancyf@telephonedoctor.com. Nancy is a recent recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Hall of Fame Award - St. Louis Small Business Monthly

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Name: Nancy Friedman
Title: Founder / Chairman
Group: Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training
Dateline: St. Louis, MO United States
Direct Phone: 314-291-1012
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