Home > NewsRelease > What makes most effective hemp - CBD products? #CBD
What makes most effective hemp - CBD products? #CBD
HeavenSentHemp TEAM HeavenSentHemp TEAM
Nashville, TN
Friday, March 13, 2020


"Consumers must understand what really makes hemp/CBD extracts effective in the body. They should not buy products based primarily on the milligram content of CBD--but rather on the BIOACTIVITY of the extract," says Dr. Brent Davis, chief science officer at HeavenSentHemp.

See the "Take the hemp challenge" video, scrolling down the home page of HeavenSentHemp.com OR view the direct link: https://youtu.be/fzWiKyjZ6jQ

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Dr. Brent Davis
Title: Chief Science Officer
Group: HeavenSentHemp
Dateline: Nashville, TN United States
Direct Phone: 931-329-3131
Main Phone: 615-780-5927
Cell Phone: 615-430-1845
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