Bee Lindy

Bee Lindy has beenwriting book reviews since she was a child. Her notebooks are full ofreviews that she wrote before she had her first personal computer.
Before the advent ofthe Internet, Bee had her first personal computer, and has been savingreviews on computer files ever since.
Her first reviewsappeared in her high school and college news papers many moons ago.
More recently she haswritten reviews as a guest reviewer on various book blogs.
Professionally, she isa fundraiser for various non-profit organizations which entails agreat deal of writing. Bee lives with her husband and two dogs.
View all articles by Bee LindyAuthor: Erika Rummel
Publisher: Dundurn Press
ISBN: 978-1459752771
“From time to time Ilooked up at the wooden crosses of the poor and the mausoleums of therich, the final resting place of the dead and a fitting place tocontemplate for a priest who must have no stake in this world. Aghost rose up, or so it appeared to me for a moment – a blackfigure, a silhouette backlit by the afternoon sun – but it was noghost. It was Luisa coming through the wrought-iron gate of thegraveyard.”

A thrilling historicalfiction novel that asks questions about what goes on inside a woman'sheart.
'What They Said AboutLuisa,' is a novel from the inimitable pen of Ericka Rummel. Over thepast few years, I have had the opportunity to read two of Rummel'sother works and I was truly impressed by both of them. But this bookis wholly different from either of those in terms of genre and Ithink Rummel stepped her game up even more!
'What They Said AboutLuisa,' is told from many different perspectives, each chapter takingon a different voice as it explores the life of one Luisa Abrego, aslave turned international explorer who made quite a unique mark onhistory.
Abrego started out as aslave in the home of Don Diego Rodriguez and, after his death, wasawarded a large inheritance and her freedom. The book follows Luisathrough the eyes of the people she affected as she leaves her formermaster's house and travels to the New World – America with a manwhom she had started a relationship with. But once Luisa arrives inAmerica, she discovers that Catholicism has spread there as well, andthe Spanish Inquisition may be looking for her.
I can't recommend thisbook highly enough for historical fiction lovers! This is one you aredefinitely going to want to pick up!
About Erika Rummel
Award winning author,Erika Rummel is the author of more than a dozen non-fiction books andten novels. Her tenth novel, ‘’What They Said About Luisa’ was published on June 18, 2024..
She won the Random HouseCreative Writing Award (2011) for a chapter from ‘The Effects ofIsolation on the Brain’ and The Colorado Independent Publishers’Association’ Award for Best Historical Novel, in 2018. She is therecipient of a Getty Fellowship and the Killam Award.
Erika grew up in Vienna,emigrated to Canada and obtained a PhD from the University ofToronto. She taught at Wilfrid Laurier and U of Toronto. Shedivides her time between Toronto and Los Angeles and has lived inArgentina, Romania, and Bulgaria. To find out more about Erika andher books.visit her website at
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