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What Are People Forgetting to Clean Your house Isn’t as Spotless as You Think
William R. Griffin --  Cleaning Consultant Services William R. Griffin -- Cleaning Consultant Services
Seattle, WA
Monday, July 20, 2020


What Are People Forgetting to Clean

Your house Isn't as Spotless as You Think

By Wm. R. Griffin, Pres.

www.cleaningconsultants.com  C-206-849-0179, Twitter: @cleanconsultant , bg1@ccsmL.com Facebook:  www.facebook.com/CleaningConsultants , Copyright © 2019/2020 Wm R. Griffin, Sea. WA. 98198.



It's pretty close to impossible to get and keep your house perfectly clean. When a home is lived in, it gets dirty because people are coming and going, moving around and creating a mess as they use surfaces and areas. In most homes 80%-90% of the soil and contamination inside, gets tracked in from outside sources on shoes, clothes and pets. Even in a clean home, there will always be some level of soil that is hidden from sight or is so microscopic in size that you can't see it with the naked eye. These categories of soiling are not a problem for most occupants or obvious to the casual observer. Problems arise when soil levels become excessive or occupants have or develop sensitivities to the conditions and or contaminants (possibly immunosuppressed, elderly or very young, have asthma or other medical issues) or the contamination is or becomes infectious or hazardous to one's health.

What We Often Miss When Cleaning and Why:

                If you can't see, feel or smell it, you probably don't know it's there, unless you expose or disturb it, generally it's not problem. When you move things around, you may notice visible soiling, such as when you look under a bed, move a trash can, couch, refrigerator or stove. These big items are some of the most common places to find an accumulation of soil because they are heavy, difficult to move and don't get moved very often. Other areas of soil accumulation include, high and low areas, corners, edges, attics, crawl spaces, inside of things and other places we don't see or come in contact with on a regular or daily basis. These things and areas fit into the category of "out of sight and out of mind".

Cleaning Soft and Porous Surfaces:

Soft porous surfaces, such as fabrics can be a challenge to clean, so they often get overlooked or avoided. For dry soil on porous surfaces, usually dry vacuuming is the best approach. If that doesn't work, they probably need wet cleaning. In this case, it's probably best to call a professional cleaning service as some fabric are easy to wet clean, while others are difficult due to problems related to staining, color run and shrinkage. Testing of products and processes in a small, obscure spot is the only safe approach if you decide to do it yourself (DIY). Proceed at your own risk when cleaning fabrics.

How to Avoid Missing Items and Make Cleaning Easier:

  1. Set a regular schedule/frequency for the cleaning of all surfaces and areas in your home.
  2. Develop set and specific procedures on how to clean different items, surfaces and areas.
  3. Move items as you clean, think under, over, behind and around.
  4. Clean the inside, outside, front, back and bottom of items.
  5. Clean from top to bottom, clean dry before wet, work in a circle in each room and through out your home. Start here and end there, avoid walking back and forth or doubling back or having to go get things or stop to do something else while you are cleaning.
  6. Good lighting is needed so you can see what you are cleaning and if you removed the soil.
  7. Have the correct tools, equipment, supplies and chemicals needed available. Keep them with in hands reach when cleaning: use an apron, bucket, box, cart or clothes basket to keep cleaning items organized and with you.
  8. Allow adequate time to do a good job, don't rush through it using the hit and miss or I'll get it later approach. Virtual cleaning does not work.
  9. Involve others in the cleaning process, don't try to do it all alone, unless you live alone.
  10. Prevention is the answer to cleaning. If little or no mess is made, there will be little or no mess to clean.
  11. Clean as you go. When you walk around, wipe and dust around. When you cook, clean surfaces, pots and pans and appliances, and the sink as you cook and prepare food. When you get done cooking, you should be done cleaning.
  12. Don't wear shoes in the home, have rugs or matting at all entrance and exit doors and enforce the "Slippers or Stocking Feet Only" rule.
  13. Sweep or vacuum entrance sidewalks, matting, steps and the garage floor on a regular basis, this could be daily or several times a week depending on soil load and location. Do everything you can to keep as much soil outside the home as possible.
  14. Remove clutter as it slows down the cleaning process and gets in the way making it more difficult to do a good job of cleaning.
  15. If you can't or don't want to do what's needed to keep things clean, find help. The eye sees what the mind looks for.

Infection Control and Cross Contamination:

Touch points, disinfection and PPE are new words and phrases heard around the world as we learn to live in a new normal caused by a virus known as Covid 19. Here's few tips to help you stay safe:

  1. Limit your exposure to others, avoid crowds and public places where large number of people congregate.
  2. Wear a mask when outside the home or within 6 ft of others, briefly hold your breath when walking close to others you don't know and in public places. (Take a step back to allow space)
  3. Wash your hands and use sanitizer frequently and after touching surfaces outside the home.
  4. Keep your hands away from your face, nose, eyes and mouth.
  5. Avoid touching surfaces touched by large numbers of people (wear gloves).
  6. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces (door knobs, phones, elevator buttons, switches)
  7. Be aware of your surroundings, think prevention and not only cleaning.

Good Luck, Stay Healthy and Keep it Clean and Safe Out There.


F: ccsartforgettoclean0720        Copyright © 2019/2020 Wm R. Griffin, Sea, WA. 98198          Rv.07.19.2020

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Name: Wm R. Griffin
Group: Cleaning Consultant Services
Dateline: Seattle, WA United States
Cell Phone: 206-849-0179
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