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Wealth Begins In Your Head
Stacey Alcorn -- Building an Awesome Business Stacey Alcorn -- Building an Awesome Business
Boston, MA
Monday, June 10, 2013

Fasten your seat belt friends. I am about to give you the most important key to unlocking unlimited wealth. If you want to be amazingly rich, with more money, more power, and the awesome feeling of never having to worry about money again, the only way to get it is by creating it in your head first. You must live, in your head, the life you want. You must feel rich and powerful. You must never worry about how the bills are going to get paid. Rich is a state of mind before it is a reality. The question is, how do you live a life of wealth when creditors are calling, the bank account is empty, and the one thing you totally lack is money? Here are five simple steps for living rich even though you may very well be poor.

1. Affirmations: The life you live right now is a direct result of the thoughts you have. If you worry about money constantly, the universe will oblige and give you something to worry about. Here are some important affirmations for you to say yourself every day. If you commit right now to two particular times in which you will repeat these affirmations daily, studies show you are more than 70% more likely to actually follow through with the commitment. So, commit! Will you do your affirmations when you take a shower in the morning and when you brush your teeth at night? Pick and set the times now. Then, start today. Here are some affirmations to start with. Repeat these five times in the morning, then again five times at night.

* I have more money than I know what to do with. (Repeat 5 times)

* I have so much money I am obligated to use it to help others. (Repeat 5 times)

* I am so eternally grateful that money comes to me easily. (Repeat 5 times)

* I am good at saving for my family and never needlessly wasting the riches bestowed upon me. (Repeat 5 times)

* It feels good that I am paying my debt and saving for my future. (Repeat 5 times)

Within a month you will begin to feel a shift in how you feel about money and how easily it comes to you.

2. Give: I do not care how much money you have or don't have, you need to dedicate your life to giving back. If you have a dollar in your pocket and the universe brings a kid collecting for Unicef to your door or you run into a Salvation Army ringer at the mall, it's your opportunity to give. Give without ever expecting anything in return. If you cannot be giving of your money, make up for it ten times over by being giving of your time. There are millions of people that need you. Don't believe me? Stop by your local nursing home and I can guarantee there are people who would be eternally grateful for your time.

3. Trick Yourself: One of the most successful land developers I know offered me a great tip many years ago. He said that back when he had only $1000 to his name, he would carry it around in his pocket. He said that the feeling of having $1000 in your pocket makes you want to work harder. It makes you feel powerful. It makes you feel rich. Today, he is a millionaire many times over, so I'd guess this strategy worked.

4. Be Gracious: If the universe sees that you are ungrateful for what you have, why should it trust you with more? As you operate throughout your day, be grateful for all you are blessed with. I challenge you to be thankful 100 times a day. Start with the air you breath, the sunshine, your work, the food on your table, and continue throughout your day seeking out the millions of blessings you are already graced with. Only then will the universe know you can handle a little more.

5. Eliminate Worry: There is no emotion as useless as worry. Eliminate it. If you worry, the universe answers with more for you to worry about. Worriers do not accumulate wealth. The richest, most affluent, wealthy people in the world focus on possibilities not worry, and so shall you to achieve all the riches you desire.

Are you in?

Stacey Alcorn is an empire builder extraordinaire. She currently owns the largest real estate firm in Massachusetts, as well a law firm and worldwide coaching and consulting firm. Stacey has published two popular sales book, Tuned In - Eight Lessons to Sales Success a Great Salesman Did Not Know He Knew and The Playbook to Healthy Time Management. Stacey regularly keynotes programs on entrepreneurship, customer loyalty, building brokerages, women in leadership, blogging, and building successful sales teams.

Stacey Alcorn
Expert in Building Amazing Businesses
Real Estate Brokerage and Mortgage Banking Expert
Boston, MA

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Stacey Alcorn
Dateline: Chelmsford, MA United States
Direct Phone: (978)479-4053
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