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Video Confirms Elderly & Caregiver Concerns About Care Costs
Pamela D. Wilson - Caregiving Expert, Advocate & Speaker Pamela D. Wilson - Caregiving Expert, Advocate & Speaker
Denver, CO
Monday, October 9, 2023

How to Avoid Paying for an Elderly Parent's Nursing Home Bill
Video Clip: Click to Watch

          Denver, CO – October 9, 2023. With the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period beginning on October 15older adults and their caregivers are expressing concerns and sharing experiences in response to a video about paying for nursing home care costs by caregiver expert Pamela D Wilson.

Comments confirm that the stress about paying for care is a top concern of family caregivers and older adults. According to Wilson:

"The video, with over 800 comments, shares concerns about nursing home care and payment sources, including Medicaid and Medicare. Many families are shocked by care costs and seek greater understanding of how to navigate government programs."

The top concerns cited in the video comments include the following:

  • A lack of understanding about state Medicaid recovery programs
  • Confusion about Medicare and Medicaid as payment sources for nursing home care
  • Family property and money being "taken" by the government for Medicaid
  • The challenges of paperwork, the process, and the timing of approval for Medicaid  
  • General concerns about the quality of care in nursing homes
  • Stories about retirement plans that were derailed by the illness of one spouse and how the caregiver spouse will financially survive
  • Debates between adult children who would never place parents in a nursing home versus the realities of children who have no other options
  • Government spending committed to international concerns when individuals are suffering in the United States

As a lifelong advocate and educator for caregivers, Wilson responds to comments in the videos she creates for her YouTube Channel.

"I credit the caregivers and adults who contact me. These videos respond to questions I receive through caregiver surveys on my website, in my Facebook caregiver support group, The Caregiving Trap, and comments on videos. No questions are off limits, although my goal is to offer a balanced perspective."

Wilson has over twenty years of unique experience as a professional fiduciary and care manager supporting family caregivers, older and disabled adults, and personal family experience.

"Working directly with individuals and being legally responsible for their care and finances has given me unique insights into the challenges of navigating health and social care systems. This experience allows me to offer information from various perspectives to help caregivers and older adults see that their actions can make a difference."

Day-to-day activities consume the focus of caregivers and older adults facing illnesses. Most consumers do not have time to follow government and state programs that can impact access to health care.

State and federal legislation that is pending or passed is written in complex language that most people cannot follow. Legislators often duplicate programs and funding or fail to predict the unexpected consequences on patients and consumers. Wilson recommends that consumers become more involved to learn about pending legislation and participate in opportunities for public comment. 

Wilson's Programs Provide Family Caregiver Support

Wilson has lived experiences that support the information offered in videos, online education programs, podcasts, and speaking engagements. Through information on her website and YouTube Channel, she provides detailed step-by-step education and instructions to guide family caregivers and persons needing care through uncertainty and challenging times.

Learn more about Pamela at www.pameladwilson.com.

CONTACT: Pamela D. Wilson +1 303-810-1816 Email:   Inquiry_For_Pamela@pameladwilson.com









   Check Out Podcast Replays of The Caring Generation® Radio Program for Caregivers and Aging Adults HERE

Pamela D. Wilson, MS, BS/BA, CG, CSA, is an international caregiver subject matter expert, advocate, speaker, and consultant. With more than 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur, fiduciary, and care manager in the fields of caregiving, health, and aging, she delivers one-of-a-kind support for family caregivers and aging adults.

Pamela may be reached at +1 303-810-1816 or through her website.


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Name: Pamela Wilson
Title: Director
Group: Pamela D. Wilson, Inc.
Dateline: Golden, CO United States
Direct Phone: 303-810-1816
Cell Phone: 303-810-1816
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