Home > NewsRelease > URLs Available: PowerofthePlatform.com & ThePowerofthePlatform.com
URLs Available: PowerofthePlatform.com & ThePowerofthePlatform.com
Robin Jay Robin Jay
Las Vegas, NV
Sunday, August 6, 2023


Available for Sale: 

www.PowerofthePlatform.com www.ThePowerofthePlatform.com  

Originally registered and used as the title of a series of self-help books, the following URLs are now being released for sale: poweroftheplatform.com and thepoweroftheplatform.com. Any individual or company who is interested in securing either or both URLs to represent a different kind of platform will be able to own and repurpose these iconic digital addresses.  

Various technologies, brands, and operating systems boast their "power of the platform" in many areas, from media and financial markets to productivity and software. The owner, Robin Jay, is President of the Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau. Jay registered these URLs in 2007, as the name was ideal for an anthology series that features messages from top motivational, inspirational thought leaders and professional speakers. Today, she recognizes the countless applications where the term "Power of the Platform" would be fitting.

The trilogy of books was released over a two-year period, more than ten years ago. "It's time to pass it along," said Jay. "I see 'The Power of the Platform' and 'Power of the Platform' appear nearly every day in my Google alerts, so I believe these URLs are in demand. After much consideration, I have decided to release them if an appropriate offer is presented."

Interested parties should contact Jay through the LVCSB.com.

For more on Robin Jay, the Key Movies, and the Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau, visit http://LVCSB.com or email: Robin@LVCSB.com.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Robin Jay
Title: President
Group: Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau
Dateline: Henderson, NV United States
Direct Phone: 702-460-1420
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