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Tune-In To Taster Tools On Thursday
Gregg Fraley -- Best Creativity Consultant Gregg Fraley -- Best Creativity Consultant
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Chicago, IL
Wednesday, March 17, 2021


Free Weekly Webinar of Facilitation Tools with Gregg Fraley

Every Thursday at 2 pm EST, Master Facilitator Gregg Fraley demonstrates a facilitation tool online.
The weekly sessions are FREE. Sessions begin on Thursday March 18th.
The 30 minute weekly webinar features demonstrations of various facilitation tools for: strategy, challenge clarification, idea generation (aka brainstorming), problem framing, idea selection, innovation projects, and idea development, etc.

Thinking Differently Takes Tools

At some point everybody needs to think differently. It might be a really thorny, hairy, awful, complex problem. It might be a juicy opportunity you don’t know how to seize.
When you ask your mind to think differently, what happens? Does it come easily? Do new thoughts and ideas spring forth? Or, is it like pulling teeth?

Register Now

If you’re responsible for getting to the fresh snow of new ideas, in order to solve problems, you’d be well advised to tune in to Taster Tools on Thursday. Register on EventBrite.

Gregg Fraley, Master Facilitator

Gregg Fraley, master creativity and innovation facilitator takes you through a creative thinking/facilitation tool, just one per session. Time for Q&A and a discussion on how to adapt the tool to your needs.
Gregg Fraley is a highly experienced facilitator who’s been learning, developing, and inventing group facilitation tools for many years. He trains other facilitators on his methods. Gregg is recognized as a Distinguished Leader at the Creative Problem Solving Institute (CPSI) and is a Visiting Innovation Scholar at Notre Dame. As a successful technology entrepreneur he has a broad perspective on business and always has ideas about how to solve thorny problems. Gregg knows several innovation frameworks, including Design Thinking and Osborn-Parnes Creative Problem Solving (aka “CPS). He’s familiar with tools in Lean, Agile, and DeBono’s Thinking Hats.
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Gregg Fraley
Title: Founding Partner
Group: KILN Ideas, Ltd.
Dateline: Three Oaks, MI United States
Direct Phone: 773-251-8567
Cell Phone: 773-251-8567
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