Friday, April 13, 2012
4/13/2012 Editors: Rebecca Morgan & Ken Braly See "About SpeakerNet News" at the end for information on how to submit tips and use this newsletter. Remember, your "dues" for this free ezine are submitting two tips a quarter. Send your best tips to Teleseminar Info Monday, April 23 Transforming Your Newsletter into a Money-Making Online Magazine with Kathy Fediw  Many speakers, like other small businesses, send out a newsletter, as a way to stay in touch with clients and prospective clients. Speakers put some useful content into this newsletter, but very few newsletters significantly boost the speaker's visibility in a target industry. Kathy Fediw has found a way to make her newsletter pay off big-time—by enhancing it and turning it into an online magazine that her target clients flock to, and that positions her as the go-to expert. It has had a dramatic effect on her business. Come see what she has done, and hear how she has done it. Read the details of this session below, then register or pre-order the CD or MP3. Note: Everyone who registers for the teleseminar will get the MP3 recording of the session for free.
Save the date: - May 16, Wed.—"Choose a Business Model That Scales: Take Your Work to a Global Audience" with Ron Kaufman, CSP. Details coming soon.
How to Get Clients from Your Website Having a steady, abundant stream of potential buyers flocking to your website sounds amazing. It would make your marketing efforts so much easier. You know there is much more you could do to get people to check out and buy your products/services, but what would yield the biggest payoff for your time? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has been the secret for years. However, knowing what to do and doing it well aren't the same. Generating traffic does not always equate to getting buyers. It can be frustrating to have a lot of new or repeat visitors, yet few sales. These three experts share their perspective on what works and what doesn't. Their experience will help you decide what you should do next to make your Web presence work much better. - "How to Be the Easiest Speaker to Find on Google" with Heather Lutze
- "Make Your Website a Profit Center: Internet Marketing Techniques for Speakers, Authors and Consultants" with Ford Saeks
- "How to Build a High-Traffic Website and Convert That Traffic to Sales!" with Tom Gray
Download now All SNN single-focused packages are detailed here. Miscellaneous Tips Make your audio do double duty — Sandy Weaver Carman When you present, do you always record? Those recordings can easily become products, but be sure they do double duty for you. Have a professional voice talent or speaker buddy record an intro and outro for your presentation, and in the outro, give the listeners a reason to visit your website. A free white paper, chapter from your book, subscription to your ezine—anything you'd be happy to give away in exchange for contact information. But that's not all—be sure that your contact info is in the outro, so those who've just listened to your presentation and want more information can easily get in touch with you. The easier it is for people to find you, the more likely they'll be to hire you or buy something else from you! eCourse help — Manisha Thakor If you have had an itch to develop an eCourse but didn't know where to start, Shalon Ironroad ( (a.k.a. "E-course Girl"), has just launched both do-it-yourself and she'll-do-it-for-you options to get your material out to potential students in no time. Shalon is earnest, hard-working, and trustworthy. So if you are overwhelmed by the idea of building an online training program, let Shalon teach you everything you need to know. Tips on avoiding clients' withholding taxes — Joel Blackwell My Meeting Planner Checklist contains an invoice asking for the nonrefundable deposit and a signed and dated IRS W-9 form to avoid withholding issues. I usually have to tell the meeting planner to get the form to the bookkeeper. This also avoids all those calls and emails every Jan. 30 asking for the form. — Marilyn Glazer I sign a W-9 form which gives the client my FEIN number and not my Social Security number. Consumer behavior that affects us — Vickie Sullivan Interesting look at consumer behavior from JWT Intelligence, a marketing communications company. Two things caught my eye: - The legions of out-of-work Millenials. No, they are not staying on the couch with the video games. Many of them will start their own businesses. Why do we care? Two reasons: first, we need to adjust our approach to the small business market for buyers much younger than us (well, younger than me, anyway). And, second, these could be our energetic, tech-savvy competitors.
- Corporate America's new "shared value" concept that blends the hard head of business with the soft heart of non-profits. This will be a GREAT opportunity for all kinds of experts, including marketing, social media, and value chain folks.
Technology Tips Smartphone resources — Jeff Deutsch Many smartphone resource pointers these days are labeled as iPhone stuff. But even if you're a Droid, BlackBerry or Windows Phone user, go ahead and check them out—they often have good apps and tips for the other kinds of smartphones, too! I've found some nifty Droid info from more than one iPhone tip on SpeakerNet News—among other things, sometimes iPhone apps are also available under the same name in Droid and possibly other versions. Also, check out the current issue of Beckett's Guide to Phone Apps (Issue 10, June 2012). You'll find some great conference-going and presenting apps—for all four of the major smartphone types—on pp. 70-73. Stop Skype auto-refill — Sharon Adcock My Skype account was hacked this week, and the hacker ran up quite a few charges because I had my account set up to auto-refill to a credit card. I spent over 2 hours w/Skype tech support trying to get my Skype account back to normal & trying to get refunds of the charges, which will require more of my time. If you have a Skype account with Skype credit & it's set to auto refill, I recommend changing it. Just pay for Skype credit when you need it, as the credit card information will not be stored & will just be used for the individual transaction. To stop auto refills, go into your account page and follow the prompts for auto-refill. In addition, consider changing your password to a more complex one. In reading a different Skype tech support bulletin board, there were many recent reports of Skype users' having their accounts hacked, so be aware. Don't leave up a stale slide — Ronald Katz When using slides, don't leave a slide on screen after you've moved on to another topic. If it's not time for the next slide, blacken the slide using the remote or the "B" key. Few things are more frustrating for your participants than having a slide up there that has no relevance to what you're talking about. Social media home page — Heather Hansen I don't have room for all my social media links on my business card, but am very active in social media and want clients to connect with me online. I created a free page at that has all of my social media links and websites in one place. Now I just include the link on my handouts, business cards, and other marketing materials. Travel Tips Interesting article, "Business travelers going rogue" — Beth Terry This is an interesting comparison on types of travelers. Most of us would probably fall under the category "rogue" traveler. Requests for Info / Advice Ensuring bureau deposit is held in escrow? — Joel Blackwell The recent bankruptcy of Five Star Speakers bureau raises a question. Does anyone have a way to make sure the deposit you are paid, which usually is held by the bureau until after the performance, is in escrow or otherwise protected? SpeakerNet News Teleseminar Info Monday, April 23 Transforming Your Newsletter into a Money-Making Online Magazine with Kathy Fediw  Are you tired of not knowing if you'll make enough money each month to cover your expenses, let alone pay yourself? Do you need to substantially increase your visibility in your marketplace and cement relationships with associations, industry leaders, referral sources and potential clients? Do you want to turn your marketing expenses from a stream of dollars draining out of your wallet into a river of dollars flowing in to your bank account? Publishing an online page-turning magazine can do just that—and more! You'll hear how to create and publish a monthly online magazine, complete with paid advertisers and original free articles by other writers. Kathy will share how to increase your visibility, position you as the leading expert in your field and provide you with monthly recurring revenue, all on a shoe-string budget. No matter if your email subscriber list is 500 or 5 million you can make money with a page-turning online magazine! Kathy's monthly magazine tripled her exposure and email subscribers list in just 18 months and substantially increased her revenue from consulting and speaking engagements. The magazine now brings in a whopping 1/4 to 1/3 of her monthly revenue, all with very little cost or effort. While her training and consulting buddies are nervously looking at an empty calendar, Kathy is depositing money in the bank each and every month. In this teleseminar you'll learn how to: - find paying advertisers for your magazine and set your advertising fees and develop a media kit
- increase your subscribers list dramatically in just a few months
- get business from the very trade associations you want to work for and leverage your relationships with them for additional business
- enlist other writers at no cost to you
- transform your current newsletter through content, graphics and a layout that looks professional
- bring in additional income from new product listings, award contests, surveys, and other features
Register or order the CD or MP3 recording. Note: people who register for the teleseminar will get the MP3 recording of the session for free. Date: Monday, April 23 Time: 7:00 pm Eastern, 6 pm Central, 5 pm Mountain, 4 pm Pacific Length: 60 minutes Cost: $25 Special Limited-Time Offer: If you want more information on uncommon ideas on how to earn money from your writing, we're suggesting the MP3 recordings of several earlier programs to complement this program: - "Getting Syndicated for Fame and Profit" with Barbara Feldman
- "Create an Entire e-Published Product Line from a Single e-Booklet Manuscript" with Paulette Ensign
With your order of this live or recorded teleseminar, at checkout you will be offered these recordings. About SpeakerNet News Copyright note: Submission of an email message or artwork affirms that you are able to and have given us non-exclusive permission to reprint the content of your message in all forms, electronic or otherwise, in all languages throughout the world. Copyright ©2012 SpeakerNet News. Permission must be granted to reprint any item (other than your own posting). | | SpeakerNet News Sponsors is the leading source of cartoons, caricatures, custom animation reels and logos for speakers and authors. Search and buy cartoons at Contact us at andrew@ or 616/551-2238.
Make $2,500.00 a Day as a Speaker. Free telephone seminar Thursday, April 19th. Discover how to get paid giving speeches based on your book/expertise. Go here now to register.
Double Your Bookings: Get the latest analytic report on how bureaus and meeting planners choose speakers—free to SNN subscribers—and get more bookings.  "Best Practice Travel Tips from Road Warriors." Ten years of the best travel tips from SNN readers. 8 eBooklets. Special limited-time pricing now for SNN readers. Download your set today
Get industry leaders' wisdom delivered every two weeks. Special $4.95 introductory offer. Get each new SNN teleseminar recording with our SNN CD/MP3 subscription service. Promotions / Advertising Speakers, Consultants, Authors, Experts: Get business-growth strategies, tactics and tools PLUS 90 days of "done-for-you" services: Speaker Marketing Team (FREE strategy session)
Join Jeanne Robertson May 18/19, Louisville, Kentucky, for a unique event: "Just for Women, Just for Fun!" Three humor-packed shows as Jeanne and her happy troupe of entertainers offer a special laughter adventure. A few men on stage, but it's basically a "girls night out that lasts two days!"
Grow (or start) the speaking business you've always wanted. "EXACTLY-how-to" 8-week Speaker Profit Blueprint program. EARLY BIRD discount. Mention SNN for registration bonuses.
Want to finally create some revenue-generating products? Or sell more of what you have? Rebecca Morgan will help you turn your intellectual capital into non-airplane income (NAI). Get serious about starting a new income stream. Several coaching packages available. Start the new year with a bang!
Please see speakernetnews. com for advertising rates and guidelines. "We definitely saw an increase in new clients during the four weeks of the first ad, easily paying for itself several times over." —Walt Shiel * | ¾ne> tahoma, sans-serif1 font-size: xx-small;"> "WINKY DINK" ? SECRET WEAPON FIGHTS TERRORISM! The best-kept secret weapon in our arsenal is about to be launched on the streets of America? "Winky Dink"! Many of you will remember "Winky Dink," though at first you may not see its relevance to terrorism.? read on. "Winky Dink and You", the first and only interactive TV show for kids, which took the nation by storm when it originally aired in the 1950s, '60s and '70s, is now being launched in a video-toy kit! "Kids have never needed Winky Dink more than today," says renowned media psychiatrist, Dr. Carole Lieberman, who spent the past decade working to bring Winky back. "I believe that Winky Dink is the best TV show ever produced, because of its unique ability to empower children" Winky Dink and his pet dog, Woofer, are classic animated characters, who engage children in their adventures by directly involving them in the storytelling. Winky asks them to put their magic plastic screen on the TV set and draw on it with their magic crayons to help solve Winky and Woofer's dilemmas. For example, Winky asks them to trace a rainbow in one scene -- and it then becomes a bridge in the next scene, helping Winky cross a river to safety. Each time a child creates something that helps Winky and Woofer solve a problem, they get that 'I can do it!' feeling which builds self-esteem. And this generation of children, facing problems that are tougher than ever -- from divorce to terrorism -- need to feel they can find the creative solutions inside themselves!" Ed Wyckoff, the co-creator of Winky Dink, says, "If a young child could choose, he'd be born with each finger a different-colored crayon. Winky Dink allows a child to fulfill his need to make a unique mark and not feel left out" Now you and your family can have that "I can do it feeling!" since Dr. Carole's efforts have succeeded, enabling the first video-toy kit of "Winky Dink and You" to be available. They can be purchased from, and retail outlets, including Tower Records. Produced by Adam Snyder, of Rembrandt Films, and distributed by Vanguard Cinema, the kit will include: a magic plastic screen, magic crayons, a cloth eraser and a video of 9 Winky Dink episodes. Dr. Lieberman, host and guest on top TV, radio and internet shows is available for interviews -- and can demonstrate on-air how this classic interactive show works! Check out: Contact: 310/456-2458 or 310/278-5433. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Do You Remember "WINKY DINK"? Psychiatrist Brings Back "Winky Dink" on Video to Empower Kids! Beverly Hills, March 27, 2002) "Winky Dink and You", the first and only interactive TV show for kids, which took the nation by storm when it originally aired in the 1950s, '60s and '70s, is now being launched in a video-toy kit! Winky Dink and his pet dog, Woofer, are classic animated characters, who engage children in their adventures by directly involving them in the storytelling. Winky asks them to put their magic plastic screen on the TV set and draw on it with their magic crayons to help solve Winky and Woofer's dilemmas. For example, Winky asks them to trace a rainbow in one scene -- and it then becomes a bridge in the next scene, helping Winky cross a river to safety. "Kids have never needed Winky Dink more than today," says renowned media psychiatrist, Dr. Carole Lieberman, who spent the past decade working to bring Winky back. "I believe that Winky Dink is the best TV show ever produced, because of its unique ability to empower children. Each time a child creates something that helps Winky and Woofer solve a problem, they get that 'I can do it!' feeling which builds self-esteem. And this generation of children, facing problems that are tougher than ever -- from divorce to terrorism -- need to feel they can find the creative solutions inside themselves!" Ed Wyckoff, the co-creator of Winky Dink, says, "If a young child could choose, he'd be born with each finger a different-colored crayon. Winky Dink allows a child to fulfill his need to make a unique mark and not feel left out" Now you and your family can have that "I can do it feeling!" since Dr. Carole's efforts have succeeded, enabling the first video-toy kit of "Winky Dink and You" to be available beginning March 26th. Produced by Adam Snyder, of Rembrandt Films, and distributed by Vanguard Cinema, the kit will include: a magic plastic screen, magic crayons, a cloth eraser and a video of 9 Winky Dink episodes. Dr. Lieberman, host and guest on top TV, radio and internet shows is available for interviews -- and can demonstrate on-air how this classic interactive show works! Check out: Contact: 310/456-2458 or 310/278-5433, or More Than News Productions at: 818/907-9466.
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