Home > NewsRelease > Tips to  Get  That Book  That's Been Bugging  You  Written Already!
Tips to  Get  That Book  That's Been Bugging  You  Written Already!
Ina Hillebrandt -- Author, Publisher, Writing Coach, Speaker Ina Hillebrandt -- Author, Publisher, Writing Coach, Speaker
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Los Angeles, CA
Wednesday, July 5, 2017




Wonderful time working with a group of talented and spirited writers at my IWOSC (Independent Writers of Southern California) Jump Start Your Book Writing Workshop recently! We had folks who drove in to L.A. from the Palm Springs area, and other places in and around home base, Los Angeles. (Hats off to Cheryl, Miranda and Wendy in the photo left.)
All were looking for a way to figure out how to really get going on a book they've had in mind, but somehow have not been able to bring to fruition.

We spent time with each person, reviewing reasons why one or another of the books banging them upside the head weren't really taking shape. Turned out, it was usually more than one book each person had been thinking about, sometimes for years.

Does this sound at all familiar? Have you got three or more books you've started to write, put down, picked up again maybe once a year? Have other books jumped up and demanded you tackle them, now?

You are not alone! Ask yourself these questions:

  • Which book has my heart?
  • Which book is closest to being finished?
  • What will it take to finish that book? Research? Commitment? What else?
  • Can I do the writing while honoring other commitments in my life? How?

Think about your answers. The solution to which book to start with should become clear. My main point is this. Put your focus on one book at a time. That does not mean the other books won't intrude and want to make themselves heard. Be kind to them. Write down a few notes that they're whispering in your ear, put them in a separate file, and then go back to the one you have selected to do first.

Then what? Keep writing. On the chosen book! Stay focused. Make dates with yourself to write regularly. Carve out a time. You deserve it! Yes, you can fit in other parts of your life. They're important! But stick with your promise to yourself. Write. Then watch the pages mount up.

If you would like concrete ideas on how to stay motivated, how to keep yourself in that chair, how to keep the focus on one book at a time, and how to make that book richer and a better read, join the workshop I'm starting at the end of July! We'll be working with folks who have picked a book to really dive into. And want to take it to the next level. For dates, times, other info, and sign-up use the button below.

At the end of the Jump Start Your Book workshop, the path seemed clear for attendees. And now, I'm looking forward to seeing progress as these people hone in on the book that makes the most sense to start with. And you, too, if you were not at our June 17 Jump Start Your Book! event. This is a limited seating series, and a few seats are available for those who have not attended but have a book they want to develop further.

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Group: Pawpress
Dateline: Los Angeles, CA United States
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