Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Tips for Authors for Signing Their Books
Forty-four years ago, I had my first book signing. It was at a local bookstore in my home town and I was clueless at what to expect … and really what to do—just show up. Thankfully, the store was a pro at having events and went all out to support me.
Is there a right way … or a wrong way to sign a book for an enthusiastic buyer? Or for a gift from the buyer to another?
Answer: The only right way is what works for the author … that allows him or her to create a combo of interacting with the buyer and not turn it into a chore. After all, signing a book for a delighted reader is one of the joys of authoring.
What I do today is significantly different from what I did then. Planning and being prepared is my new normal. I’ve learned lots—from small events to big happenings. From private homes to major bookstores.
I’ll never forget my debut appearance as a blushing newbie author. My signing was at a book store in Palo Alto, California on a Thursday evening in June of 1981. I had just been featured on Good Morning America and had no idea what to expect.
What happened was magic—the store was packed and 100 books were carried out the door in the arms of happy buyers. Sold out. I was so honored … almost giggly with the evening’s outcome. Back then, there was no social media or email. Just plain “old-fashioned” post card invitations sent out by the book store to their customers and the names and addresses I had given them.
No one prepared me or offered tips and suggestions on what to do. All I remember was smiling—lots—laughing and having a good time … and just signing my name. All I knew was that there would be a table that I would sit at and books to sign.
Start with:
1. Your Venue
Will it be traditional, as in a book store? How about an alternative site? Think about a restaurant, an art gallery, a country club, an outdoors venue, a craft’s fair, a private home, a conference you are speaking at … where?

2. Think Props
Yes, your fabulous book is a key prop … but what else? Create a foam board with your book cover and do it in a couple of sizes and 8 x 10 that sits on the table to super-size that could be placed on an easel or taped to a wall. When space allows it, a pull-up floor vertical banner can be an eye-catcher. Look around the bookstore. Is there a table display of your genre. Prop your book in for a visual grab to use in promo. 
Oh, and print the cover on both the back and front. Why? Because your signing table may be placed where people can walk behind you. Why not give your book a boost and allow the cover to be visible from “the back” as well? 
3. Think Seasons
A few decorations that are season centric add a sense of fun to your table. To encourage gifting to others—I have pre-cut ribbons for my books and give them to buyers—it just takes a few seconds to add a bow around the cover. Why wrap with paper?—find a ribbon that compliments one of the colors on your cover and –TaDah—the perfect wrapping.

4. Remember, Food Is a Magnet
Your book signing is a celebration. A plate of nibbles, like cookies or some special treat you are known for, are often a way to get casual table visitors to stop and engage with you. Cookbook authors know that a “taste from within” sells books. Learn from them. When I launched Snappy Sassy Salty-Wise Words for Authors & Writers, I had my local grocery store’s bakery create iced cookies for my signers. Yummers–and book buyers loved them! Stores like Costco and Sams excel in small-packaged snacks. How about a basked of them instead of candy?
If appropriate, drinks could be offered at an outdoor event where it’s warm. Thirsty book buyers might welcome a cool drink of water. Cases of 8-ounce bottles can be found at a Costco or Sam’s and cost 10-13 cents each. Just might be the closer to buy a buy a copy of your book.
5. Decide What Page You Will Sign On
You have choices. Sometimes the opening end sheet or a title page—the most common on—is selected. If your title page is crowded, you may want to sign on the inside cover which offers plenty of open space.
6. Select a Signing Pen
Typically, most authors sign with any pen available. Don’t. Choose your pen and stick with it. Buy at least a dozen of them. Purple is my color. Sharpies and gel pens are my choice. I carry at least three with me to signings—pens do run out of ink.
7. Pre-Sign Your Books
“What?” you say. YES—pre-sign them … and you will thank me big time. Granted, I’ve written a lot of books. At most of my events, several of the titles are offered. Having them pre-signed with my signature phrase—and yes, I have one for each book— and my name for that particular book speeds up the signing process and allows me to actually talk to the buyer face to face versus having my face in the book page signing and thinking, “Next … .”
When I get to an event and set up my table, I usually have a mug of hot tea, and I settle in. Boxes are opened. Pens are out. And I start the pre-signing and stacking books on the table along with a few other props I might bring. My signature phrase is added; my name is signed. I am ready. When buyers emerge, I can quickly pick up the book (or books), add the name for who the book is for and have a short conversation with my buyer.
Because I always use the same pen and same color, I never have to worry if a pen decides to die in the middle of a signing. And, if I have books left over, they are good to go for the next signing—same pen, same color for when I personalized it with the name of the buyer or even an added message.
8. Personalize Your Message
Ask your buyer if you can add their name. “Would you like me to sign this to you or is this a gift for someone else?” Use their first name only. Verify spelling—you will learn quickly that there are a variety of ways to spell a simple sounding name.
9. Choose Your Signature Phrase
Ideally, you should have a few phrases that you pull from to sign your book to ease the process, especially when you’ve got a crowd and haven’t done any pre- signing! Make your message memorable and tie it into the theme of your book if appropriate.
I had one or two for each of my books.
Other options include:
My best
In gratitude
Warm wishes
Best wishes
Best regards
Thanks for your support
In appreciation
To your success …
10. Signing Your Name
Whether you just sign your first name or both first and last name is one of choice. I’ve done both. I cherish my personalized copies I’ve received from other authors and I admit, if I have one addiction, it’s books. I love the feel, smell, the contents and design.
Autograph away—it’s always a good idea if your name is legible.
11. Should You Add a Date?
Why? Rarely do I add a date. Okay, I’ll admit it. Sometimes I forget what day it is, much less what the true date is. This is a choice of yours to make. I would bypass it.
12. Payments
You don’t want to have to personally muck around with anyone paying for a book if you can avoid it. If you are at a retail store, it will handle all book sales at the checkout area. If you are at any type of private event, have a helper who takes cash, checks and credit cards. If you don’t take credit cards, you will lose at least half of your sales. You are the “star” at your event, not the money changer.
13. Get to Your Event Early
The savvy author arrives at least an hour before the signing begins. Scout it out. Sit down and allow yourself to fully mentally and physically immerse in the surroundings. Set your table up. Be ready—not rushed.

Dr. Judith Briles started writing notes to her classmates in first grade … and got into “disruptive trouble” from her teachers. She’s now the author of 47 books and counting, still being a disrupter. Her books have won over 55 book awards and been Amazon bestsellers. You can follow her professional side at www.TheBookShepherd.com where she works with writers to become published authors. Listen in to her weekly podcast: AuthorU: Your Guide to Book Publishing at https://bit.ly/AuthorUPodcast
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