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Time to Take Action to restore Your Rights and Country
Rev. Marilyn Redmond, BA, CHT, IBRT -- Healing and Spiritual Growth Rev. Marilyn Redmond, BA, CHT, IBRT -- Healing and Spiritual Growth
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Edgewood, WA
Monday, December 11, 2023


PushCongress to Do the Right Thing:
Get US Out of UN/WHO/Etc!

Disengaging Entirely
From the United NationsDebacle

ThreeUS Congressmen just introduced companion bills to get the US out of the UN, WHOand all associated organizations and entanglements (which would include theutterly disastrous – and legally binding – International Health RegulationsIHR). Sponsors are Chip Roy (R-Texas) and Mike Lee (R-Utah), along withCo-Sponsor Mike Rogers (R- Alabama). You can tell your Congresswo/men to do theright thing right here: cosponsor and pass this legislationright now: bit.ly/CongressExitWHO

 In short, unless anduntil the United States removes itself from the clutches, control and directionof this organization, nothing that makes the US valuable to itself, to us or tothe world can be preserved.

These bills, officially titled the “Disengaging Entirely Fromthe United Nations Debacle (DEFUND) Act, do much more than simply defunding theUN and its organizations. HR 6645 and S 3824 would:

• Repeal the United Nations Participation Act of 1945, whichestablished U.S. membership in the UN.
• Repeal the United Nations Headquarters Agreement Act, thus evicting the UNfrom its headquarters in New York City.
• Prohibit any U.S. funding for the UN and its affiliated organizations.
• Prohibit U.S. participation in UN peacekeeping operations.
• Revoke diplomatic immunity for UN entities and employees.
• Rescind U.S. membership in the World Health Organization (WHO).
• End participation “in any conventions and agreements with the United Nations”and its affiliates.
• Prohibit the U.S. president from unilaterally entering into agreements withthe UN or its affiliates.

And I believe, in my deepestheart of hearts, that we can generate that kind of support for this bill, nomatter how corrupt or compromised our politicians are. Why? Because theglobalists are not fully in control yet, so we still have the benefit ofmassive public resistance shaping events.

But only when we use it. So, I propose that we keep them fromever getting the kind of control that these monsters are so close toconsolidating.

Here’s the link: bit.ly/CongressExitWHO. Use it. Shareit.

Let’s do this thingcalled freedom,shall we?

Yours in health and freedom,
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation


Rev. Marilyn L. Redmond, BA,ABH, IBRT can help you find health, happiness and prosperity, too. Recently she was included in "Who's Who in America".  In addition, she is in Manchester's Who's Who for Professionals and Executives. Her books are distributed by the A.R.E. internationally to prisons.  Marilyn is a spiritual counselor, internationally board-certified regressionist, hypnotist, teacher, speaker, and medium. In addition, she gives readings and is an ordained minister for spiritual healing. Marilyn’s 11 books at Amazon and on line at Barnes and Nobel, and many articles reveal how she achieved a consciousness of oneness in healing her traumatic life of mental illness, addictions, PTSD, domestic violence, depression, and more.

Read her monthly column on https://www.thesussexnewspaper.com  

Check her website, https://www.angelicasgifts.com /

 190 videos on You Tube at https://www.youtube.com/user/puyallup98372,

Blog at http://marilynredmondbooks.blogspot.com./ 

Contact her at angelicasgifs6@outlook.com 

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Rev. Marilyn Redmond
Group: Marilyn Redmond, BA,IBRT CHT
Dateline: Edgewood, WA United States
Direct Phone: 253-845-4907
Cell Phone: 208-570-8535
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