Saturday, August 31, 2024
FASHION FORWARDRemember when “Casual Friday” began? The actual date doesn’t matter. What is important is that it started a downward spiral of all things beautiful and classy. That was when men shed the power and authority inherent in a tie and started slowly declining to feminization. Today, “well-dressed” men wear showy necklaces, earrings, and bracelets instead of a tie. That’s the new soft masculinity, they say.
Little by little, it happened. There was a slow decline in fashion, behavior, and cultural decline. We are now at a point where nudity is on the fashion horizon. Please don’t say you haven’t seen it: Dress hemlines for the young and not-so-young have been inching their way up to nothingness. At the same time, “Fashion” tops for women have been inching lower and lower, exposing near-bare breasts. Not much is left to the imagination between the top and the bottom.
What used to be beautiful has become ugly and desensitizing: Ratty-looking sneakers or bulky thick-soled combat boots are defeminizing and ugly, and it’s a lauded fashion for young girls. Combined with ripped jeans, girls think they are sexy. Older women who think the “style” keeps them up to date adopt the bizarre tastes of the young and look ridiculous.
The good news is that classy is coming back, albeit it, not without a struggle. When dressed in 1950’s clothing, for example, people look at you admiringly, but with amusement. Where did you come from? Did people really dress like that “in the old days”? Well, yes, they did and at least one woman is trying to bring it back. Please watch the video:
Be brave! Dare to look like you deserve to look! While the fashions of the 50s or other eras may be difficult to find, it is possible to look classy in our classless world. Check out Drapers and Damons online. Their fashions are updated but often elegant—and pricey. Wait until they have an 80% off sale, and you can get some pretty snazzy duds at a reasonable price.

Okay, in the photo to the left, the flowers are too much, but she looks classy. In the photo below, the ripped jeans bare midriff loook — shall I say it? It looks Crappy! Never mind that it appears inappropriate to others. After all, this is the ME generation! Wear or don’t wear whatever pleases you! Forget how it affects the sensibilities of others.
Everybody should wear what they want to wear. Unfortunataely, understanding what’s appropriate to wear at any given time seems to be lost. At a recent formal dinner, a young women wore a skin tight body suit. I guess the guys mightt have liked it but it looked “out of place.”

Barbara Morris, R.Ph.
P.O. Box 8345
Surprise, AZ 85388