Home > NewsRelease > The Shapeshifter’s Tale: Second Book in the “Our Side” Collection Highlights the Difference between Two Worlds
The Shapeshifter’s Tale: Second Book in the “Our Side” Collection Highlights the Difference between Two Worlds
Tamira Ci Thayne Tamira Ci Thayne
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Culpeper, VA
Monday, March 5, 2018



“I wanted to be the hero of this story, but instead I am the villain.”

Two worlds intertwine in this second of the “Our Side” Collection, where Mediators, Protectors, and Listeners travel the countryside of a simpler world to bring justice and harmony—yet outliers, dragons, ghoblainns, and shapeshifters bely the truth of a society that may not be so simple after all.

Meanwhile, on the “Other Side”, teenagers engage in the age-old ritual of cafeteria wars as they search for a place in modern society, and social hierarchy means everything to girls left on the outside with no way in.

How do these seemingly conflicting worlds collide, and who will turn out to be the self-described “villain”?

Find out in “The Shapeshifter’s Tale”, a story at once thought-provoking and intriguing, for young teens through adults and all those brought into the world of the “Other Side” through “The Listener’s Tale”.

The Shapeshifter’s Tale, out now in Paperback and Kindle

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About author Laura Koerber:

laurakoerbercolorLaura Koerber is an artist and writer who lives on an island with her husband and two dogs. Laura divides her retirement time between dog rescue, care for disabled people, political activism, and yes, she tells herself stories while driving.

Her first book, The Dog Thief and Other Stories (written as Jill Kearney), was listed by Kirkus Review as one of the Hundred Best Books of 2015. She’s also the author of The Listener’s Tale, I Once Was Lost, But Now I’m Found: Daisy and the Olympic Animal Sanctuary Rescue, Limbo, and The Shapeshifter’s Tale.


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Name: Tamira Ci Thayne
Title: Publisher
Group: Who Chains You Publishing
Dateline: Amissville, VA United States
Direct Phone: 757-474-5474
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