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The Inside Scoop on the Tiger Woods - Elin Nordegren Divorce
Ruth Houston - Eat Smart Weight Loss Expert Ruth Houston - Eat Smart Weight Loss Expert
New York, NY
Monday, August 23, 2010

Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren are now officially divorced. – Get the inside scoop.
The Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren divorce is now official.

Details on this highly controversial divorce can be found in infidelity expert Ruth Houston's latest Celebrity Infidelity column at www.CelebrityInfidelity.com

Houston is a New York-based infidelity expert who is frequently called on by the media to comment on celebrity infidelity, high profile infidelity court cases, and popular infidelity issues in the news.

Throughout the Tiger Woods infidelity scandal, Houston, who has been researching infidelity for over 16 years, has provided unique insight, analysis and commentary on the Tiger Woods sex scandal from an infidelity expert's point of view.

The Finalization of the Tiger Woods Divorce

The divorce hearing, which was attended by Tiger Woods, Elin Nordegren and their respective attorneys, lasted less than 10 minutes.

Terms of the divorce remain undisclosed, thus far, other than the fact  that Tiger and Elin will "share parenting" of their two children.

Financial Details of Tiger and Elin's Divorce Settlement

Financial details of the final divorce settlement have remained cloaked in mystery. Little is known apart from what has been leaked to the press over the past couple of months.

Infidelity expert Ruth Houston says that the two most frequently asked questions about the divorce settlement are "How much money will Elin Nordegren get?" and "How much money will Tiger Woods have to pay?"

The articles below by infidelity expert Ruth Houston provide more information about the final Tiger Woods – Elin Nordegren divorce settlement, based on leaks to the media by an "inside source.".

Tiger Woods – Elin Nordegren Divorce Settlement – Who Gets What: Custody, Money, Property, and more

What Elin Nordegren Will Get in Her Divorce Settlement from Tiger Woods – The Inside Scoop

What is Tiger Woods' REAL Net Worth? – Elin's Divorce Settlement Depends on That

How Much Elin Nordegren is REALLY Getting from Tiger Woods – It's NOT $750 Million

Who Got What in the Final Tiger Woods - Elin Nordegren Divorce Settlement

Tiger's and Elin's Joint Statement Addresses the Children

In a jointly issued statement, Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren said:

"While we are no longer married, we are the parents of two wonderful children and their happiness has been, and will always be, of paramount importance to both of us."

Both Tiger and Elin were required to enroll in a mandatory parenting course. (Details in Ruth's Celebrity Infidelity column).

Elin had previously expressed concern about the types of women Tiger Woods could expose the children to. For details on this, see Ruth Houston's articles below:

Tiger Woods - Elin Nordegren Divorce Settlement takes Tiger's Mistresses into Account

Elin Nordegren's New Divorce Demand from Tiger Woods - Keep Your Women Away from Our Kids

Elin Nordegren's Latest Demands in the Final Negotiations of the Tiger Woods Divorce

Negotiating the Terms of the Divorce

In negotiating the final terms of their divorce settlement, both Elin and Tiger made had specific requests of each other , and drove hard bargains, and indicated by the articles below.

Elin Nordegren's $100 Million Divorce Settlement Proves Tiger Woods is No Fool

Elin Nordegren Proves to Be a Formidable Foe in the Tiger Woods Divorce

Elin Nordegren – Who is She, And What Is Her Claim To Fame Other Than Being Tiger Woods' Wife?

Why is Elin Nordegren Refusing to Sign Tiger Woods Lifetime Confidentiality Clause?

For further details, see Ruth Houston's Celebrity Infidelity column at www.CelebrityInfidelity.com  

SOURCES: Associated Press, Newser, TMZ, Radar Online, others

More articles on the Tiger Woods – Elin Nordegren Divorce

Tiger Woods – Elin Nordegren Divorce Settlement – Who Gets What: Custody, Money, Property, and more

What Elin Nordegren Will Get in Her Divorce Settlement from Tiger Woods – The Inside Scoop

What is Tiger Woods' REAL Net Worth? – Elin's Divorce Settlement Depends on That

How Much Elin Nordegren is REALLY Getting from Tiger Woods – It's NOT $750 Million

Who Got What in the FINAL Tiger Woods - Elin Nordegren Divorce Settlement

Tiger Woods - Elin Nordegren Divorce Settlement takes Tiger's Mistresses into Account

Elin Nordegren's New Divorce Demand from Tiger Woods - Keep Your Women Away from Our Kids

Elin Nordegren's Latest Demands in the Final Negotiations of the Tiger Woods Divorce

Elin Nordegren's $100 Million Divorce Settlement Proves Tiger Woods is No Fool

Elin Nordegren Proves to Be a Formidable Foe in the Tiger Woods Divorce

Elin Nordegren – Who is She, And What Is Her Claim To Fame Other Than Being Tiger Woods' Wife?

Why is Elin Nordegren Refusing to Sign Tiger Woods Lifetime Confidentiality Clause?

About Ruth Houston:

Infidelity expert Ruth Houston is the founder of www.InfidelityAdvice.com and the author of Is He Cheating on You?– 829 Telltale Signs. She has been researching infidelity for over 16 years.

Frequently called on by the media to comment on popular infidelity issues, high profile infidelity, and infidelity breaking news, Ruth Houston has been quoted in USA Today, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Daily News, Cosmopolitan, the New York Post, the Chicago Tribune, FoxNews.com, ABCNews.com, msnbc.com, CNN.com, FoxNews.com, Reuters, the Associated Press, UPI and numerous other print and online media worldwide.

Houston has also been a guest on The Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN, Fox & Friends, Fox News, CBS News, NPR, GMTV and BBC (United Kingdom), CBC and CTV (Canada), 1010-WINS, Sirius Satellite Radio, and 500+ other radio and TV news and talk shows in the United States, Canada, Europe, South America, New Zealand, Australia, Africa, and the Caribbean.

Ruth holds the dual positions of National Infidelity columnist and Celebrity Infidelity columnist for Examiner.com.

To interview infidelity expert Ruth Houston, or book her to speak at your next event, call 718 592-6039 or e-mail InfidelityExpert@gmail.com  

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Name: Ruth Houston
Dateline: Elmhurst, NY United States
Cell Phone: 718 708-9799
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