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The Floral Hand of God - Secret Healing Codes of Flower Revealed
Dr. Brent Davis -- FlorAlive UNCUT Flower Essences Dr. Brent Davis -- FlorAlive UNCUT Flower Essences
Nashville, TN
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The Floral Hand of God - Secret Healing Codes of Flower Revealed
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(Secret Healing Codes of Flowers Revealed)

FlorAlive® Lobelville, TN – for immediate release.

Introducing THE FLORAL HAND OF GOD – Secret Healing Codes of Flowers Revealed, by Dr. Brent Davis, founder of FlorAlive ® This is the book that clearly explains the discovery, philosophy, and uses of Dr. Davis's unique essential flower essences; essences distilled from living un-cut flowers growing in their natural habitats in the purest, most pristine environments on Earth.

"All obstacles in life essentially stem from the loss of our native, deep-feeling state and the resulting inability to creatively know as real what is channeled to us directly from the mind of God. That is what confers upon us the greatest wisdom, as well as a vast power of positive manifestation."

– Quote from THE FLORAL HAND OF GOD by Author, Dr. Brent Davis      

Please click on this link to learn more about the Quantum Science of Mind / Body Transformation.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=39&v=NDxYOcUhVNY

Listen to what people are saying about Dr. Davis's seminal book.

"Did you know that flower essences have the ability to help humanity heal emotional issues?  Dr. Brent Davis, intuitive and sensitive, has developed the ability to find flowers and capture their benefits without destroying or harming the flowers, resulting in much more powerful essences." – Lourana Howard

"THE FLORAL HAND OF GOD is a beautifully written book about the loving, healing power of spirit in nature communicated to one man… The loving energy of these amazing essences is communicated in each and every page." – Brenda Michaels

Get THE FLORAL HAND OF GOD to discover new ways to beat anxiety and stress, turn confidence into certainty, and overcome the hidden blocks and memories of emotional trauma holding you back from spiritual progress.

Single copies are $29.95.  Or get 10 books at 50% off for $149.75. Your friends and associates will thank you.  And remember, shipping in the USA is FREE!

FlorAlive® remedies are prepared from UNCUT flowers and hence contain all the plant’s healing frequencies in an optimally coherent state. Other flower essences are prepared from cut flowers. Dr. Davis’s method is patented worldwide. FlorAlive flower remedies are created from uncut flowers.

In addition to being a licensed chiropractor in California and Tennessee, Dr. Davis has post-graduate training in classical homeopathy and applied kinesiology, as well as solid core training in numerous other natural diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. When he is not treating patients or traveling on “floral adventures,” he lives on his organic herb farm in the center of the FlorAlive® Forest, 75 miles outside of Nashville.

FlorAlive®  P.O. Box 627, Lobelville, TN 37097
Telephone: (931) 593-2300
Website: www.floralive.com
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. FlorAlive® products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. FlorAlive® UNCUT flower essences are manufactured and protected under U.S.patent nos. 6,254,896 & 6,447,813; Canadian patent no. 2,410,196; International Patents Pending. Copyright © 2017 PRL Inc.; Photos copyright © 2001-2017 Brent Davis. All right reserved. The FlorAlive® custom blend selector is a proprietary software program, copyright © 2017 Brent Davis


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Dr. Brent Davis
Title: Founder - Research Director
Group: FlorAlive Flower Essences
Dateline: Lobelville, TN United States
Direct Phone: (615) 430-1845
Main Phone: (931) 329-3131
Cell Phone: (615) 430-1845
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