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The Differences Between the TM and ® Trademark Symbols
Michael Kondoudis -- DC Trademark Lawyer Michael Kondoudis -- DC Trademark Lawyer
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Washington, DC
Wednesday, October 26, 2022


When you see a company’s logo, there is usually a little symbol next to it. But what does that symbol mean? The two most common symbols are the TM and the ®. They may look similar, but they actually have two very different meanings. Keep reading to learn the difference between the TM trademark symbol and the ® trademark symbol.

The TM symbol stands for ‘trademark.’ It can be used with any word, phrase, or logo that a company feels represents their brand. The TM symbol does not have to be registered with the government to be used; however, businesses can only use it once they have proof that they are using it as a trademark.  common law rights.

The ® symbol stands for ‘registered trademark.’ This means that it is a trademark that has been registered with the government. In order to use this symbol, businesses must first register their trademark with the USPTO.

The bottom line is that if you want to use the ® symbol, you must register your trademark with the USPTO. However, you can use the TM symbol even if your trademark is not yet registered. Doing so will help you protect your rights to your word, phrase, or logo by indicating that you are already claiming ownership of it.

About Michael Kondoudis

For more than twenty years, Michael Kondoudis has been the go-to trademarking expert for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Michael is a USPTO-licensed trademark and patent attorney, educator, speaker, and author of the Amazon best-seller: Going From Business to Brand. He is also an authority trusted by national news media on major trademark stories involving NFTs and the Metaverse. For more information, visit www.mekiplaw.com.

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Name: Eunice Lee
Group: The Law Office of Michael E. Kondoudis
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: 855-635-4752
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