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The Complexities of Leadership Personality
Dr. Maynard Brusman - Emotional Intelligence & Mindful Leadership Dr. Maynard Brusman - Emotional Intelligence & Mindful Leadership
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: San Francisco, CA
Wednesday, May 1, 2019


The Complexities of Personality

Researchers have exposed a profound truth: While stock prices, market share and material assets are important, softer factors determine true organizational strength. Employee engagement, job satisfaction and creativity play greater roles in performance, effectiveness and profitability.

Leadership personality and style are the most crucial factors in organizational strength, asserts psychologist and leadership consultant Ron Warren, PhD, in Personality at Work: The Drivers and Derailers of Leadership (McGraw-Hill Education, 2017). The spectrum is extremely complex, with experts debating its intricacies and nuances. Dr. Warren cites five behavioral traits that includes a pair of opposing behaviors:

  1. Openness to other ideas / cautious or distrusting of other ideas
  2. Conscientious about their impact / careless about their impact
  3. Extroverted, people-oriented / introverted, socially uncomfortable
  4. Agreeable, cooperative / argumentative, confrontational
  5. Confident, at peace / neurotic, nervous

Every leader is an amalgam of these behaviors, exhibited along a spectrum. Dr. Warren harnesses the power of these behaviors in four key personality dimensions that affect organizational success:

  • Social intelligence and teamwork (a positive trait)
  • Deference (negative)
  • Dominance (negative)
  • Grit/task mastery (positive)

Dr. Maynard Brusman

Consulting Psychologist amp; Executive Coach
Trusted Leadership Advisor

Professional Certified Coach (PCC), International Coach Federation

Board Certified Coach (BCC)?

I coach emotionally intelligent and mindful leaders to cultivate trust and full engagement in a purpose-driven culture who produce results.

Our services:

  • Executive Coaching
  • Mindful Leadership
  • Neuroscience - Conversational Intelligence (CI-Q)
  • Attorney and Accountant Coaching
  • Emotional Intelligence amp; Mindful Leadership Workshops

For more information, please go to http://www.workingresources.com, write to mbrusman@workingresources.com, or call 415-546-1252

55 New Montgomery St., Suite 505
San Francisco, California 94105



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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Dr. Maynard Brusman
Title: Consulting Psychologist and Executive Coach
Group: Working Resources
Dateline: San Francisco, CA United States
Direct Phone: 415-546-1252
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