Home > NewsRelease > Tech Tip: Organizing Your Emails Can Be Pretty RAD
Tech Tip: Organizing Your Emails Can Be Pretty RAD
The Georgetowner Newspaper -- Local Georgetown News The Georgetowner Newspaper -- Local Georgetown News
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Georgetown, DC
Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Struggling to manage your overflowing email inbox? You’re not alone. Many professionals find it challenging to achieve the elusive “inbox zero.” If you’re ready to transform how you handle your emails, consider adopting the RAD method. This approach, developed by Nick Sonnenberg, founder and CEO of Leverage, could revolutionize your email management.

Understanding Inbox Zero

“Inbox zero” refers to having no visible emails in your inbox—not just no unread emails. Even read emails clutter your inbox, making it hard to find important messages. Achieving inbox zero involves archiving messages so they’re out of sight but still accessible when needed. Sonnenberg suggests archiving emails older than 30 days, as they’re likely irrelevant or will be followed up on if still important.

Introducing the RAD Method

The RAD method simplifies email management into three actions: reply, archive, and defer.

Reply to Messages

Respond to emails that require your attention, then archive them immediately. If the conversation continues, the email will reappear in your inbox, so there’s no harm in archiving it right away.

Archive Messages

Archive emails that don’t need a response. These messages can be easily searched if needed later, keeping your inbox clutter-free.

Defer Messages

For emails that need a response but not immediately, defer them. Use Gmail’s “snooze” feature or the Boomerang plugin for Outlook to temporarily remove the email from your inbox and have it reappear at a specified time. This is useful for reminders or delaying a response until you’re ready.

Learn more about Nick Sonnenberg’s strategies in his book, Come Up for Air: How Teams Can Leverage Systems and Tools to Stop Drowning in Work, and on his website.

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Name: Sonya Bernhardt
Group: The Georgetowner Newspaper
Dateline: Georgetown, DC United States
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