Home > NewsRelease > Tapping the Quiet Strength in Your Organization
Tapping the Quiet Strength in Your Organization
Gayle Lantz - Leadership Expert Gayle Lantz - Leadership Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Birmingham, AL
Thursday, September 17, 2020


Introverts represent almost half of the workforce, yet most companies favor extroverts.
This special episode features a conversation with guest expert, Jennifer Kahnweiler, PhD, author of Creating Introvert-Friendly Workplaces and The Introverted Leader.
Jennifer explains introverted types are keen observers, listeners and deep thinkers. When the needs of introverts are ignored, they become disengaged or jump ship to new organizations, taking their talent and contributions with them.
Whether you are an introverted leader yourself or you work with introverted leaders, increasing understanding about differences between introverts and extraverts is critical to your organization’s success.
This episode covers:
  • What major work style differences distinguish introverts and extroverts
  • What new, groundbreaking research reveals about how valued and engaged introverts feel at work
  • How work teams and leaders can best engage introverted members
Take the Introvert-Friendly Workplace Quiz: https://jenniferkahnweiler.com/introvert-friendly-workplaces-quiz/
Creating Introvert Friendly Workplaces by Jennifer Kahnweiler
The Introverted Leader by Jennifer Kahnweiler

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Gayle Lantz
Group: WorkMatters, Inc.
Dateline: Birmingham, AL United States
Direct Phone: 205 879-8494
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