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Successful Security Tactics Learned from the 2016 RNC
Timothy A. Dimoff -- High Risk Security Expert Timothy A. Dimoff -- High Risk Security Expert
Akron, OH
Thursday, July 28, 2016


Akron, OH (July 28, 2016)…Timothy Dimoff, CPP, President of SACS Consulting, Inc. provided security at the recent 2016 Republican National Convention (RNC) for organizations including CBS News, Dr. Ben Carson, MTV, BET, VH1, Nickelodeon and LOGO. He witnessed first-hand an unprecedented approach to security for a large event in the United States of America. Before the start of the RNC, many including media outlets were bracing for violence and discord. What they got instead was human interaction and respect. In fact, less than 30 people were arrested for the entire event!

Based on his over 40 years of experience in the field of law enforcement and security, Dimoff has identified four main security tactics that were utilized to great success at the 2016 RNC. Dimoff states "In analyzing what worked in Cleveland during the RNC, I think it is important to note these four aspects of security. The rest of the country, as well as other countries throughout the world, can learn from what worked in Cleveland and utilize these proactive approaches to keeping the peace at future events. One of the main tactics that stood out was instituting a more humanistic approach to security. Opening dialog between law enforcement and protest groups, and treating them as valued citizens who had a right to be there, allowed security officials to do their job without violent repercussions".

Dimoff offers up these specific tactics that can be learned and copied from the success at the 2016 RNC:

  • Real Cooperation and Collaboration Among Law Enforcement

The Cleveland Police Department worked cohesively with police officers, federal, state and local agencies. There was no posturing or authority abuse. Agencies from various backgrounds and geographical areas worked together to ensure the most peaceful experience for those present at the RNC last week.

  • Law Enforcement Engaged on a Personal Level

There was a concerted effort on the part of law enforcement to engage on a personal level that included shaking hands, real conversation, and even the occasional prayer between law enforcement officials and the protesters. By taking the time to engage them as human beings instead of predefined roles in society (i.e. cop vs. protester), the mob mentality was never fueled in Cleveland, OH.

  • Soft vs. Aggressive Barriers Were Utilized

The use of soft barriers instead of cars, police vans and riot gear eliminated some of the potential for violence. Putting the bulk of law enforcement on bicycles as "soft" barriers between protest groups helped to eliminate the "large crowd mentality" that can get out of control in these types of situations.

  • Cleveland Police Chief Literally Led the Troops

The Cleveland Chief of Police, Calvin Williams, was front and center with law enforcement officers. By personally engaging with the protesters, calmly listening and explaining what they could and could not do, in regard to the law, he led by example. This not only showed respect to the protesters, but also let the protesters see that the Chief of the Cleveland Police Department was a real and rational human being, not an untouchable figure head only concerned with his agenda.



About Timothy Dimoff, CPP

Timothy Dimoff is founder and president of SACS Consulting Inc. a security firm that specializes in all types of security, vulnerability assessments, HR, violence prevention and issues. Corporate headquarters is located at Canal Place, Suite 2516, 520 S. Main St., Akron, OH 44311. Telephone: 330-255-1101. Website:  www.sacsconsulting.com.   


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Name: Carol Saferin
Group: Mart Saferin & Associates, LLC
Dateline: Green Valley, AZ United States
Direct Phone: 440-669-6325
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