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Subscription Marketing: Now Updated for 2020
Anne Janzer -- Membership Expert Anne Janzer -- Membership Expert
San Luis Obispo, CA
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Subscription Marketing book cover

Cuesta Park Consulting has released the third edition of Subscription Marketing, updated to reflect the growth of the Subscription Economy in 2020 and its impact on businesses of all sizes and industries. 

On its initial release in 2015, Subscription Marketing was the first book to examine how the shifting purchasing behaviors brought on by subscriptions affect the essential practices of marketing. The book offers an extensive list of strategies for increasing the subscriber's experience of value—a tactic the author refers to as value nurturing. It has been translated into Japanese and Korean, and is listed as one of the top marketing strategy books of all time by Book Authority.  

The third edition includes updated value nurturing examples and research, along with new content addressing the following:

  • An expanded discussion of values-based marketing practices, including examples from the headlines and updated consumer research

  • Suggestion for small businesses, individuals, and start-ups wanting to capitalize on the growing Subscription Economy

  • A foreword from Robbie Kellman Baxter, author of The Membership Economy and the forthcoming book The Forever Transaction.

"The growth of the Subscription Economy is really a story about human behavior—people simply like subscribing for many reasons. But subscriptions change the way we think about our relationships with businesses and organizations," says Anne Janzer. "Marketers that keep pitching products and services as if they were one-time, transactional sales will lose customers looking for relationships grounded in trust and value."

Anne Janzer is the author of three other books, including the award-winning Writing to Be Understood, The Writer's Process and The Workplace Writer's Process.  She regularly blogs, teaches, and speaks on marketing and nonfiction writing techniques.

Subscription Marketing: Strategies for Nurturing Customers in a World of Churn, 3rd edition ($16.99 in paperback, 238 pages, ISBN 978-0-9996248-7-6, also available in hardcover and ebook) is available today through online booksellers. The ebook is discounted to $0.99 until February 7, 2020.

Cuesta Park Consulting & Publishing publishes books and online courses for writers and marketing professionals. Books are available in print, ebook, and audiobook formats from a wide range of retailers. For more information, visit AnneJanzer.com.

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Name: Anne Janzer
Group: Cuesta Park Consulting
Dateline: San Luis Obispo, CA United States
Direct Phone: 4155176592
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