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Speakers & Experts: Why You Should Appear in Films
Robin Jay Robin Jay
Las Vegas, NV
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Now in Production: Becoming the Keys - The Third Film in "The Key Movies" series
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SPEAKERS & EXPERTS: Grab Your Chance to Appear in New Film

Writer/Producer of award-winning Personal Development and Inspirational films Robin Jay is currently seeking just a few experts for her newest film, Becoming the Keys. Appearing in an inspirational film is a tremendous opportunity for speakers and experts. Jay shares her thoughts on this incredible, rare chance for just a few, chosen speakers.

Speakers, Experts, and Authors should appear in inspirational films for several reasons:

  • Speakers & Experts should appear in film because video/film/movies are a dramatically newer medium than print. Even though countless videos are being posted online each day, they are still rare relative to "data" - which includes everything that has ever happened since time (and record-keeping) began.
  • Appearing in a film gives your fans a chance to get to know more about you, your story, and your message. They can see you and hear you tell your story first-hand, which gives them the feeling they know you, (just as we feel close to our favorite movie and TV stars who have been "appearing" in our living rooms for years.)
  • It's marketing gold in an incredibly crowded industry. Nearly every speaker or expert has a book and a Website. Few ever get to appear in a film.
  • You will gain "success by association" when you appear in a film with recognized experts, authors, and thought leaders.

"Speakers & Experts should seize the opportunity to appear in a well-produced film," says Jay, who is also President & Founder of the Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau as well as an award-winning Writer/Producer of personal development, inspirational films.

Jay shares, "My first film, The Keeper of the Keys, stars Jack Canfield, John Gray, and Marci Shimoff." Being President of the LVCSB.com gives me access to today's top thought leaders. The other, lesser-known experts who appeared in the film gained "Success by Association" by appearing in the film with such recognizable stars. Plus, they got to party with the stars at a VIP Red Carpet Premiere in Las Vegas, Nevada. They had incredible photo ops, endless blog and press release material, and an experience of a lifetime. They also got an inventory of DVDs to sell and countless publicity opportunities from the moment they signed on to be a part of the project. Several of the experts even hosted their own premiere events in their home towns after attending our incredibly huge event in Las Vegas."

More Stars, Speakers & Experts Appeared in Second Film

Writer/Producer Robin Jay's second film, The Secrets of the Keys, is currently in distribution with Beyond Words Publishing - the company that distributes "The Secret" and "What the Bleep?"

"For my second film, I was able to double the star power," Jay says. "The Secrets of the Keys stars Brian Tracy, John Assaraf, Dannion Brinkley, Rev. Michael Beckwith, don Miguel Ruiz, and Gloria Loring. The featured experts in this film got the experience of shooting entirely on location in Boulder City, Nevada. They also walked the red carpet at my second stellar VIP Red Carpet Premiere in Las Vegas, Nevada. Again, from the moment the experts signed on, they were able to start blogging, posting images from the shoot, and begin selling and promoting their own premiere parties - some as far away as Johannesburg, South Africa! This is pure marketing gold in an industry where it can be typically be difficult to stand out."

"We shot preliminary footage for my third film, Becoming the Keys, recently," Jay continues, "and we will once again be shooting in Boulder City, Nevada, early next year. This location shoot will add continuity to the films' story lines.  Becoming the Keys is inspired by The Secrets of the Keys, though it will certainly stand on its own, even if viewers haven't yet seen the earlier film. Some of our stars have returned for this film, too, including Brian Tracy, Dannion Brinkley, and don Miguel Ruiz."

Jay's first two films have each won several awards, including Best Independent Film and Best Concept. The Key Movies, as they've come to be known, feature experts' messages regarding 7 Keys: Appreciation, Harmony, Passion, Courage, Faith, Vibration, and Empathy. Most speakers' messages resonate with one or more of these keys or principles. The films have done so well because they are entertaining and fun fictional stories that offer cameos from the thought leaders. Viewers develop a vested interest in the outcome of the stories. Spiritual guides and magical events also make the films even more engaging - especially when compared to the more traditional "talking head" documentaries.

Speakers, Authors, and Experts who are interested in appearing in Becoming the Keys should reach out to Robin Jay immediately at Robin at LVCSB.com.




For more on Robin Jay and the Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau, visit http://LVCSB.com or email: Robin@LVCSB.com.

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Name: Robin Jay
Title: President
Group: Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau
Dateline: Henderson, NV United States
Direct Phone: 702-460-1420
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