3/1/2013 Editors: Rebecca Morgan & Ken Braly See "About SpeakerNet News" at the end for information on how to submit tips and use this newsletter. Remember, your "dues" for this free ezine are submitting two tips a quarter. Send your best tips to editor@SpeakerNetNews.com. SpeakerNet News Sponsor  | Get exposure to Financial Services company sponsors/decision makers. Write a magazine article and be interviewed for our podcast at I Carry The Bag. Interested? icarrythebag@gmail.com |
SpeakerNet News Sponsor
 | Want more keynote speaking bookings? You need a powerful demo video. We don't like to brag, but our clients do. "Value is a function of what you get, not what you pay... I believe that Primeau Productions is a great value." ?Mark Sanborn Primeau Productions, 800/647-4281 |
Teleseminar Info
Tuesday, March 5
Get Published by a Big House:
The 10 Keys to Getting the Best Editor,
Publisher, and Deal for Your Book
with Mike Larsen

Today it's easier than ever to publish your book yourself. You can write it, edit it, lay it out, and print 10 or 10,000 copies.
But is that the best way to go? There are good reasons to go with a big-name publisher, too, rather than doing it all yourself.
How do you make that choice? And if you're seeking a publishing house, what are the secrets for writing a proposal, getting an agent, and having a successful relationship with the publisher?
If there's a book in your future, you need to hear what one of the industry's most respected pros has to say.
Read the details of this session below, then
register or
pre-order the MP3.
Note: Everyone who registers for the teleseminar will get the MP3 recording of the session for free.
Upcoming teleseminars?details coming soon:
- "Multiply Your Income By Leveraging a Speech into a Training That You Don't Even Deliver" with Shep Hyken, CSP, CPAE
- Sam Horn will share her innovative techniques to winning buy-in to what you care about?and to motivating other people to care about it too.
Profit from Licensing Your Intellectual Capital
The idea is enticing: license your work for others to deliver or access through recordings (e.g., audio, video, webinars). Others have done this successfully, so why not you?
It's not as easy as it sounds. There are myriad details you must think through and work out. If you don't, you could be giving away more than you intended or not asking enough.
If you're considering licensing corporations or individuals to have access to your work, you need to hear these three recordings before inking any deal.
- "Profiting from Licensing Your Programs to Organizations" with Jim Hennig, PhD, CSP, CPAE
- "Licensing Ins and Outs: Build Immediate Income by Becoming a Licensee or Licensor" with Jim Hennig, PhD, CSP, CPAE
- "Create a Licensing and Train-the-Trainer Program for Your Intellectual Capital" with Michelle May, MD, CSP
Download nowAll SNN single-focused packages are detailed
From the Editors
Tweets about SNN. Thanks tweeters!
- Teresa Duncan: Woohoo! My @SpeakerNetNews is in my inbox! Check them out: bit.ly/LZ4hZU.
- Kathy Reiffenstein: Take your #presentations from "suck to non-suck" - @hrb article via @SpeakerNetNews: ow.ly/i1Xmc
- Alyson Stanfield: Loving @christinecashen no-marketing intvw w/ @RebeccaMorgan ow.ly/i6Pdp for speakers, teachers, presenters
 | Special deal: Get 1:1 consulting with Rebecca Morgan for your tax deductible donation for SE Asian orphanages. This special consulting deal will raise money for Scott Friedman and Jana Stanfield's "Together We Can Change the World" foundation and Spring visit. This offer limited to 3 people: $100 for 1/2 hour consultation; $150 for 1 hour. Donate here then forward your receipt to Rebecca to set your consultation. |
Miscellaneous Tips
Twitter book promotion tip ?
Jackie Dishner Got a new book coming out? If you're on Twitter, here's how to spread the word: Update your profile with a line that says you're the author of X and include the direct sales link to your book. Help potential buyers find your book easily with a simple click.
Using escrow for purchases ?
Rebecca Morgan If you have someone wanting to buy something from you but don't want to process it through your merchant credit card account, you can use
Escrow.com. It's a secure way to make sure the money and goods are received and both parties are happy. I just did this when I sold a URL and it was easy and the buyer paid all the fees. Make sure you use a reputable service like Escrow.com as there are many that scammers put up just to part you from your money.
Video on storytelling ?
Kathy Reiffenstein As speakers we all know that stories enhance our presentations and help our audiences connect with our message.
Here is a creatively done short video that helps explain why stories are so powerful.
Possibly reduce piracy ?
Jeff Davidson This new service could reduce some of the piracy of our books and other products.
Doing some group coaching & want to go video? ?
Dina Lynch Eisenberg Skype Premium membership lets you video conference with up to 10 other users for only $4.99 a month! What a great way to add value & a personal touch to your follow-up consulting after a speaking/training gig.
Trends in insurance/financial meetings ?
Vickie Sullivan Good news: insurance and financial industry events are back! During the boom times, this segment was filled with high-fee speaking opportunities, but suffered greatly when the economic meltdown hit.
This article in Meetings and Conventions magazine outlines the inside scoop in this sought-after segment. Pay attention, as these findings are based not only on industry insider interviews, but also primary research. More good news for us:
While luxury has returned, budgets have shifted from decor and more money for speakers and educational material. Why? The incentive meetings will continue to have more business-related agendas.
Another budget booster: sponsorship, even at the corporate level. Credit card companies and others are asked to underwrite meals AND educational sessions, much as in the association sector. Translation: more budget for speakers.
Content has become king in these meetings. Not only from organizers and the powers-that-be, but also from attendees. Yes, even top performers want to go beyond a good time and get "take-home value."
There's a catch, though: Don't assume that the standard motivational/talking-head-with-a-story speakers are popular here. Experts with some heft will have the inside track. Example: top economists.
(Editors' note: Vickie conducted two information-packed SNN teleseminars:
Make More Money: Position Your Expertise for High-Fee Markets and
Getting Big-Fee Speaking Engagements from Sponsors. You can order the CD or MP3.)
Lower your online merchant fees. Special SNN deal with PayPal offers you 2.2% transaction (plus 30c/item). You may also qualify for a lower (or no!) monthly fee. Call Lenny Holstad for more info,
SNN Offer
SNN's "
Book Marketing Report?What Really Works" features success tactics of those who've recently published a book, covering which marketing techniques work in today's market and which don't. This brief e-report shares proven tools for increasing books sales in our profession and in today's challenging market.
Technology Tips
See who opens your email ?
Anne Miller The service
contactmonkey.com lets you see who opens your emails. I just started using it and find it very helpful to track where my emails go and if people open them. Very inexpensive and very easy to use.
Ultralight computer recommendation ?
Rochelle Kopp I got sick of shlepping my heavy computer but my old netbook had just too small a screen to be useful and an iPad didn't seem like it would be versatile enough. So I got an ultralight Toshiba laptop (Portege Z930) and signed up for Logmein123. The laptop is so thin it fits into my shoulder tote (Jetsen bag by Brighton). With Logmein123 I can get access to my main computer, which sits safely at home, and all its files. Because I don't keep any files or miscellaneous programs on the Toshiba, it starts in no time. This has worked incredibly well and been a big boost to my productivity.
SNN Offer
Get industry leaders' wisdom delivered every two weeks. Special $4.95 introductory offer. Get each new SNN teleseminar recording with our SNN MP3 subscription service.
speakernetnews.com Travel Tips
Staying fit on the road ?
Brenda Bence Trying to stay fit and healthy during one of those "what-city-am-I-in-today" types of trips? Here are a few tips I use:
- Pre-order healthy vegetarian meals on flights.
- Call hotels in advance and asks them to remove all of the junk food from the mini-bar in my room (eliminate temptation!).
- Travel with my own snacks?nuts, raisins, protein bars, soy milk individual packs (that I can stick in the now-empty mini-bar).
- Log in every day at myfitnesspal.com and report what I ate and drank (and what kind of exercise I did, if any). I choose two "accountability buddies" back home (including my personal trainer) and allow them access to this online account. They watch my input daily. Just knowing that someone is paying attention helps me stay on track!
Temporary mail forwarding ?
Marilyn Glazer If you are traveling for an extended period and want to have your mail sent to where you are, use the Post Office's Premium Forwarding Service. Once a week the Post Office will send your mail in a Premium envelope or box to the address you designate. Cost is: $15 enrollment fee, plus $13.95 for each weekly shipment.
Traveling during storm ?
Jay Arthur If there's a big storm rising while you're on the road, make sure to check your flight options so you don't get stuck. Check with Southwest, JetBlue or other carriers that aren't you're "go-to" airline. United, Delta, American may have already rebooked their premier flyers.
SNN Offer
 | "Best Practice Travel Tips from Road Warriors." Ten years of the best travel tips from SNN readers. 8 eBooklets. Special limited-time pricing now for SNN readers. Download your set today. |
Requests for Info / Advice
Seeking fulfillment house ?
Art Turock I am seeking advice on how to efficiently send 1000 free copies of my book to key influencers. Has anyone located a company that will do the mailing from start to finish (take data from a spreadsheet, print labels, package the book and collateral material, deliver to the post office)? I'll report my findings to SNN.
SpeakerNet News Teleseminar Info
Tuesday, March 5
Get Published by a Big House:
The 10 Keys to Getting the Best Editor,
Publisher, and Deal for Your Book
with Mike Larsen 
Colleagues brag about six-figure advances. Others claim books launched their career and tripled their fees. Some say a book turned their business around.
Now is the best time to be a writer, but although big publishers are still doing too many books, you've also heard that getting into major houses is harder than ever. And it's harder than ever to launch new authors. Or they offer you an advance that's less than your keynote fee, and you'll spend months writing your book. Others say the publisher did no publicity, so they had to sink sizable funds into publicity. And if you have to do your own marketing, why do you need a publisher? A few colleagues complain they had no say on the title or cover, and they hate what the publisher printed.
You will learn:- What are the facts about publishing today?
- How do you decide whether to go with a publisher or self-publish?
- Do you need an agent?
- How to you do a proposal that will get you the advance you want?
- What's the fastest way to find an agent and publisher?
Mike Larsen has been in the industry for 46 years, 41 as an agent. He'll tell you what you need to know to succeed faster and more easily than ever. Register for the live session or recording and you'll get more than 20 pages of additional materials.
Register or
order the MP3 recording.
Note: people who register for the teleseminar will get the MP3 recording of the session for free.Date: Tuesday, March 5
Time: 7:00 pm Eastern, 6 pm Central, 5 pm Mountain, 4 pm Pacific
(Enter your location
here to get your local time)
Length: 60 minutes
Cost: $25
Special Limited-Time Offer:If you want more information on ideas to get ahead with publishing your book, we're suggesting the MP3 recordings of several earlier programs to complement this program:
- "Getting the Agent You Want and Selling Your Book Fast for Top Dollar" with Mike Larsen, AAR
- "How to Make Publishers Fall Madly in Love with You and Your Idea" with Wendy Keller
With your order of this live or recorded session, at checkout you will be offered these recordings.
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