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Secrets of Panama Released by Boomer Expert

Baby Boomers Retirement Network (BBRN)

Stamford, Conn.
--Millions of Baby Boomers will look in to at retirement overseas. Panama stands out as one of the best places to be!

"Rent first even though you'll be tempted by the beauty to buy," says Richard Roll, founder and chairman of the Baby Boomers Retirement Network (BBRN). "Housing medical costs and labor are all lower than in the U.S. Food and auto parts are considerably higher 40% for food and a whopping 200 % for auto parts." An average salary of $500.00 per month in Panama will make you feel wealthy no matter where you are financially in the U.S.

This week, in BBRN's online magazine "The Boomer Beat," Richard Roll founder and CEO of BBRN along with International Living on line Magazine share top 10 tips for a better life in Panama.


Tip # 10. Dip your toe in first

  • Rent first. Panama is amazing, lush landscape plenty to do and a fabulous place to retire. Just rent first and do your homework. Rentals with a good property manager are easy with 10-20% down depending on length of stay.

Tip # 9. Manana means "not today"
  • - Services are not always what they seem be specific
  • - Prices will change
  • - Contracts are meant to be revised
  • Don't get overly stressed about it. It is a beautiful and pleasant atmosphere with companions you will enjoy.

Tip # 8. Friends become your family.

  • Making friends is easier than you think, even in the midst of a busy day.
  • Pleasure can be as simple as enjoying laughter and a good meal. Panamanians like foreigners

Tip # 7.
  • Panama has everything except snow skiing.
  • Live in the sun take winter vacations if you like to ski.

Tip # 6. The more languages you speak the better.

  • Variety is the spice of life. Many people speak English in Panama, Spanish is next but people from all over love this hot spot so it helps to brush up!

Tip # 5. Hire a Guide
  • This will save you tons of time and money
  • Get the right fit in a guide measure cost vs. value

Tip # 4. Know your tax info in regard to income
  • If you are out of the country 330 days and earn up to 90,000 you are tax exempt.

Tip # 3. Elance.com
  • If you want to live anywhere and work on your computer you can turn any career in to money! Writing, translation, proof reading, marketing Jobs all available

Tip # 2. If you are under 65 it is easier to get health insurance in Panama

Tip # 1. You can rent ocean view condo for $1300.00 per month.
  • Do not buy expecting investment growth. If you do buy there are nice deals there and you can buy on fire sale.
  • These exclusive tips and advice are featured weekly in BBRN's free retirement planning newsletter "The Boomer Beat."

For more tips and articles on a variety of Baby Boomer topics, subscribe to "The Boomer Beat" at: http://www.babyboomersretirementnetwork.com/blog/newsletter/

Articles in "The Boomer Beat" address the big issues on the minds of Boomers such as how to plan for retirement, individual retirement plans, and retirement savings plans.

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For all of the Secrets Of Panama Click Here

About the Baby Boomers Retirement Network (BBRN) TM

The Baby Boomers Retirement Network (BBRN) TM (www.babyboomersretirementnetwork.com) is the nation's leading non-financial institution provider of unbiased consumer retirement planning information, advice, and services for Baby Boomers, who are now living more than half their adult lives, on average, after age 50. BBRN makes it easy and affordable for every Boomer to obtain their own individual retirement roadmap that is practical, cost-effective and free of conflicts of interest.

BBRN's trademarked, exclusive "Rethink Retirement" process begins with the streamlined, patent-pending, algorithmic 10-question "What Comes Next" Quiz.

From the results, Boomers receive bite-sized easy to follow steps, featuring coaching, resources, and guidance from more than 100 nationally-known world-class experts in fields from medicine, caregiving and law, to investments and well-being. The quiz results make it easy for anyone to ask and answer the key financial, family, and lifestyle planning questions all Baby Boomers currently face. In minutes, participants receive a personalized retirement roadmap and learning center along with more personalized resources to use as they need them. BBRN also provides further personalized guidance and coaching and services to its members as they need and want them, for an additional fee.

BBRN has helped tens of thousands of Baby Boomers get started in planning and living a more successful and satisfying future path of life. Founded in 2006 by Richard Roll, a Harvard-trained personal finance authority and best-selling author who has been called the Guru of Baby Boomer Retirement, BBRN provides subscribers with exclusive, hand-picked services, advice, inspiration, savings, and travel, lifestyle, health, and financial benefits designed to give its subscribers greater well-being and control than most others in their situation.

Headquartered in Stamford, CT, the BBRN provides its services directly to consumers online, as well as through select organizations, employers, and financial institutions on a group-wide basis.

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Contact BBRN:

Richard Roll ( richardrollbbrc@gmail.com)

Baby Boomers Retirement Network (BBRN)

One Stamford Plaza--9th Floor

Stamford, CT 06901

Phone: 203-253-7077
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Richard Roll
Title: Chairman
Group: Baby Boomers Retirement Network
Dateline: Southport, CT United States
Direct Phone: 203-253-7077
Main Phone: 203-253-7077
Cell Phone: 203-253-7077
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