Home > NewsRelease > SNF, Assisted Living, Eldercare, Long-term Care, Home Health, Health Systems Leaders
SNF, Assisted Living, Eldercare, Long-term Care, Home Health, Health Systems Leaders
Gary W. Patterson -- Big 4 CPA, Stanford MBA Gary W. Patterson -- Big 4 CPA, Stanford MBA
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Atlanta, GA
Monday, September 13, 2021


Consider our unique way to create revenue AND cashflow while providing better care!

Atlanta, GA – Helping healthcare leaders grow top line revenues, keep more bottom-line profitability and reduce risk. FiscalDoctor®Gary W. Patterson, now offers several inexpensive, tested monthly options which can help.
You may be interested in how we are helping other assisted living, nursing homes and others add meaningful found money, not just the token fees you are receiving now.

Among American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) respondents, 72% said they won’t be able to sustain operations for another year at the current rate of increased costs and revenue loss. Additionally, 40% said they can continue for less than six months.

If you would like to hear more about this a possible solution and program, contact me for a free 15-minute discussion of your situation at 678-319-4739 or https://fiscaldoctor.com/contact-us/ .

About FiscalDoctor® Inc
Gary W. Patterson, president & CEO of FiscalDoctor®, works with healthcare leaders who want to uncover their blind spot before it finds them, so they can make better decisions. He can also help increase your profitability. Gary can be reached at 678-319-4739 or gary@FiscalDoctor.com

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#Grandparents #Medicaid #MedicareStrategist #patientcare #patientadvocacy #patientsafety #patients #insurance #Cash

#Health #Medical #hospital #diabetes #nurse #patients #insurance #remotehealth #privacy #data #Doctors #reimbursement #hospice

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Gary W. Patterson
Title: Trusted Advisor
Group: FiscalDoctor Inc.
Dateline: Alpharetta, GA United States
Direct Phone: 781-237-3637
Main Phone: 678-319-4739
Cell Phone: 781-237-3637
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