Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Author: Dr. Kate Dee
Publisher: Advantage Books
ISBN: 978-1642259803

In Dr. Kate Dee’sinformative exposé Med Spa Mayhem: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly,Secrets of the Aesthetic Industry, readers are taken behind theglossy facades of med spas to uncover the realities of this boomingsector.
Dr. Dee expertly guidesthrough the fascination of beauty, the pitfalls of industrypractices, and the shocking truths concealed beneath the surface. Thebook presents a detailed exploration of the complexities andcontradictions of the aesthetic industry.
Who is Dr. Kate Dee? Dr.Dee is the founder of Glow Medispa, specializing in medicalaesthetics such as injectables, skin care, lasers, and bodysculpting.
A Yale graduate, she earned her BS in biology in 1989 andher MD in 1994. She trained in diagnostic imaging at the Universityof Washington and completed a fellowship in breast imaging at UCSF in2000. Dr. Dee was an assistant professor at the University ofWashington and a breast cancer specialist at Seattle Breast Centerfor 13 years, earning Top Doc honors annually from 2010 to 2015. Shealso has a keen interest in business ethics and the medicolegalaspects of aesthetic medicine.
In her book, Dr. Deeexposes the dark side of this booming $15 billion industry, which nowincludes nearly 9,000 registered medical spas in the U.S.
Shifting to aestheticmedicine after a successful career as a breast cancer specialist, Dr.Dee discovered a glittering facade masking many shadows. She recountsjaw-dropping and troubling stories of physical harm and emotionaltrauma experienced by med spa clients because of unregulatedpractices, improperly trained practitioners, a profit over-patientsafety mentality, and poor oversight.
Split into three sectionscomprising ten chapters and a conclusion, Dr. Dee meticulously coversan array of topics within the aesthetic industry. From the openingchapters on “The Aesthetics Revolution” and “The LearningCurve,” readers gain a foundational understanding of how theindustry has grown and the challenges newcomer’s face.
As the narrativeprogresses, chapters such as “Navigating the Aesthetic Landscape”and “Industry Crimes and Misdemeanors” shed light on both thelegitimate and darker sides of the business. Dr. Dee doesn’t avoidcontroversial issues, addressing “Consumer Crime” and “Med SpaMisleading Practices and Dangers” with unwavering honesty.
The section on “ThePredators” further exposes the unscrupulous players within theindustry. Dr. Dee’s personal insights in “Reflections on Life andBusiness” add a unique, introspective layer to the narrative.
The useful advice in“Aesthetic Procedures Made Simple” and the forward-lookingperspective in “Looking Forward to the Future” round out thiscomprehensive exploration. This systematic strategy ensures readersare well-informed, making the book an invaluable resource for anyoneinterested in the aesthetic industry.
Med Spa Mayhem serves bothas an exposé and a resource for those considering med spatreatments. With her book, Dr. Dee shares her insights to guideconsumers and practitioners toward safer, more ethical practices inpursuing beauty. The book supports readers in making informeddecisions about cosmetic treatments.
As Dr. Dee highlights,there are many excellent treatments available, but there are alsomany dangerous ones. How can you safeguard yourself from becominganother victim? Her objective is that by the time you finish herbook, you’ll know exactly what to ask and how to find the bestpractitioners and treatments without risking your life, health, ormoney.
Norm Goldman of Bookpleasures.com