Home > NewsRelease > Retirement Coach Dorian Mintzer Speaks at Aging in America Conference
Retirement Coach Dorian Mintzer Speaks at Aging in America Conference
Dorian Mintzer, Ph.D.  BCC -- Retirement Expert Dorian Mintzer, Ph.D. BCC -- Retirement Expert
Boston, MA
Thursday, March 31, 2016


Dr. Dorian Mintzer, a Boston-based retirement coach and speaker, was a recent presenter for the 2016 American Society on Aging's Aging in America Conference held March 20-24 in Washington, D.C.  Mintzer's talk, "Managing Job Search Attitudes in Older Job Seekers," was presented with Renee Rosenberg, MA, LMHC.

The focus of the presentation was on maintaining resilience during a job search and how participants can confront their own "ageism."  They introduced a simple but effective approach to job search for those over 50 and humorous strategies for remaining positive when conducting a difficult job search as a mature worker.

Mintzer noted, "Basically, our goal was to offer some tips for a resilient job search after 50, combined with some of the ageism myths which may be internalized. It's important to be aware of our own attitudes about aging and what messages we're sending to others about ourselves. We can become our own worst enemy."

Founded in 1954 as the Western Gerontological Society, the American Society on Aging is an association of diverse individuals bound by a common goal: to support the commitment and enhance the knowledge and skills of those who seek to improve the quality of life of older adults and their families. The membership of ASA is multidisciplinary and inclusive of professionals who are concerned with the physical, emotional, social, economic and spiritual aspects of aging. Over 3,000 attendees from across the nation and abroad attended the 2016 Conference to learn, network and participate in the largest multidisciplinary conference covering issues of aging and quality of life for older adults.


Dr. Dorian Mintzer, M.S.W., Ph.D., loves helping self-reliant women, men and couples reinvent themselves in the next stage of life. She is the founder of the Boomers and Beyond Special Interest Group for interdisciplinary professionals and co-author of The Couple's Retirement Puzzle: 10 Must- Have Conversations for Creating an Amazing New Life Together and a contributing author to Not You Mother's Retirement70 Things to Do When You Turn 70Six Secrets For a Happy Retirement65 Things to Do When You Retire: TravelLive Smart After 50!65 Things To Do When You RetireRemarkable and Real; and Making Marriage a Success. She is also co-producer of The Career Playbook: Second Half Plays,

Mintzer is a member of the National Speakers Association and The Life Planning Network and is a sought after speaker, coach and consultant.  Through her website, RevolutionizeRetirement.com, she offers the 4th Tuesday "Revolutionize Your Retirement Interview Series with Experts” and comprehensive coaching programs to individuals in person and over the phone, as well as groups and workshops and is available for keynotes, seminars and break-out sessions.

Mintzer combines her personal and professional experiences as a therapist, coach and teacher with her expertise in adult development, holistic life planning and positive psychology as she works to help people navigate the second half of life. She uses her energy, enthusiasm and passion and creates a dynamic learning environment that energizes and inspires her audiences and her clients. She has a deep belief in the capacity of people to develop a "realistic optimism" about aging and create purpose and meaning in "the second half of life." For more information on Dorian Mintzer, visit her at http://www.revolutionizeretirement.com    

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Name: Dorian Mintzer
Title: Owner
Group: Revolutionize Retirement
Dateline: Boston, MA United States
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