Home > NewsRelease > Restauranteur Magician Savino Recine on COVID
Restauranteur Magician Savino Recine on COVID
Washington Magic Latest News Washington Magic Latest News
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Washington, DC
Wednesday, July 21, 2021


My experience through COVID was different from a lot of other people—because I moved twice and, let me tell you, it was not easy. We are still going through the final phase . . . . but I had some time to think about magic and the way I’ve been performing and what I can do to improve it.

I definitely enjoy been funny. I believe laughing is very therapeutic and people have more reason to enjoy my show when they laugh. But I also think choosing effects that have an emotional impact on people is also very important—in other words, magic that has a meaning, that makes people think. And, even more important, magic has to have a good meaning for people . . . something that when people go home after the show they feel good about and they can say: “WOW that was really great!”

These are my thoughts! Best to all of you!


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