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Reasons Caring for Aging Parents Can Feel Overwhelming
Pamela D. Wilson - Caregiving Expert, Advocate & Speaker Pamela D. Wilson - Caregiving Expert, Advocate & Speaker
Denver, CO
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Reasons Caring for Aging Parents Can Feel Overwhelming
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          Denver, CO – May 22, 2024. Caring for aging parents can feel overwhelming for adult children, especially when parents have not planned for the financial aspects of retirement and healthcare needs. Parents and their caregivers who assume Medicare pays for all health-related care expenses after age 65 are shocked to learn differently

This false sense of security can result in dreaming about retirement yet failing to recognize how often age-related health issues derail these dreams. Middle-aged adults dealing with their health issues also care for aging parents, spouses, or children with health concerns.

A diagnosis of dementia or Alzheimer's can be frightening due to the longevity of care needs and the financial impact. Many spouses caring for a spouse with memory loss become impoverished, with little money remaining for their daily living needs and eventual care after the sick spouse passes away. 

As caregiving responsibilities consume time and affect health, opportunities for socialization and enjoyable activities become more limited. Caregivers often feel isolated and alone in their efforts while family members and friends who are not in caregiving roles go on with their lives.

Family Battles

Differences of opinion between adult children and parents about caregiver expectations can result in resentment. This hesitancy to share feelings often results when prior attempts to discuss concerns were met with resistance or negativity.

Adult children become frustrated with aging parents who refuse help or refuse to change habits that negatively impact their health. On the other hand, parents resist unsolicited advice from children who offer textbook solutions that may be difficult to implement or unrealistic for reasons parents may not be comfortable sharing.

Why Having Uncomfortable Family Discussions is the Path Forward

The health complications of aging combined with income limitations can make planning for long-term care needs feel impossible when too many unknowns exist. Older adults struggle to manage multiple health conditions that significantly impact their physical abilities to perform daily tasks. 

The rising cost of utilities, groceries, property taxes, and HOA fees significantly impact daily living for older adults who may have to choose between paying for basic needs like prescriptions or groceries. Even if money is not a concern, parents may not want to share their financial situations or extensive health concerns with children.

Having realistic discussions within families about financial and health limitations can motivate adult children to investigate sources of support for low-income or significantly health-affected aging parents. However, having time to investigate aging parent resources can be a hurdle for caregivers who work, are married, or have children.

According to Wilson, "Many caregivers are successful at finding essential resources. However, managing multiple and increasing health issues, interactions with health providers, and complex family relationships can require more advanced problem-solving discussions and planning. My experience as a care manager and professional fiduciary allows me to counsel families in these situations." 

Wilson's Online and In Person Support Programs Offer Solutions for Aging Care Planning

Wilson is a caregiving expert with over twenty years of lived experience supporting caregivers and older adults. Through information on her website, online courses, YouTube Channel, 1:1 consultations, and speaking events, she provides practical, detailed step-by-step education and instructions to guide family caregivers and adults facing changes in health and uncertainty about the future.  

Learn more about Pamela at www.pameladwilson.com.

CONTACT: Pamela D. Wilson +1 303-810-1816 Email:   Inquiry_For_Pamela@pameladwilson.com

   Check Out Podcast Replays of The Caring Generation® Radio Program for Caregivers and Aging Adults HERE

Pamela D. Wilson, MS, BS/BA, CG, CSA, is an international caregiver subject matter expert, advocate, speaker, and consultant. With more than 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur, professional fiduciary, and care manager in the fields of caregiving, health, and aging, she delivers one-of-a-kind support for family caregivers, adults, and persons managing health conditions.

Pamela may be reached at +1 303-810-1816 or through her website.

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Name: Pamela Wilson
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Group: Pamela D. Wilson, Inc.
Dateline: Golden, CO United States
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