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Read THE SUSSEX NEWSPAPER for Marilyn's Monthly Columns
Rev. Marilyn Redmond, BA, CHT, IBRT -- Healing and Spiritual Growth Rev. Marilyn Redmond, BA, CHT, IBRT -- Healing and Spiritual Growth
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Edgewood, WA
Sunday, July 23, 2017


For articles by Marilyn L. Redmond, read the 

"The Sussex Newspaper" 

on line. Her monthly column is full of information, tools, and stories to help you along your path to enhance your life. 

Marilyn Redmond's  journey from hell to living in a heaven-like experience of grace today has shown her the dynamics of life and how to change energy to align with the love of the universe. She started consciously moving her  life from being a victim into being a victor 32 years ago. Her psychiatrist declared her sane. Today, Marilyn is fearless which is also called being mature.

Marilyn's stories offer hope, guidance, and truth about ourselves. Sharing her anecdotes and learning will offer you tools and anticipation for change into well-being and self love. She believes if she can grow beyond  her past trauma, abuse, and addictions anyone can. She became an ordained minister to do spiritual counseling, regression healing, and past life therapy. Her groundbreaking techniques heal the root or origin of the problem releasing the symptoms and circumstances.

Marilyn just published "Road to Success", an inspirational book, for those wanting to find their inner achievement. Her first book, Roses Have Thorns:  chronicles my traumatic journey. Marilyn's second book, “The Real Meaning of 2012, A New Paradigm for Bringing Heaven to Earth”, explains how to reduce the influence of the ego. Her eight books and eBooks are on Amazon.com. She is included in nine anthologies, the last one is, "The Book of Amazing People".

Marilyn's ultimate "how to book" is “Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You”, which took 25 years to write. This 600 page book, reveals the process I found to achieve a consciousness of self-love and oneness in healing my traumatic life and life's' challenges. Her understanding of the human dilemma and the solutions has brought wisdom that will work for all people into growth.

Marilyn's career started 32 years ago with television, radio, and lately You-tube interviews, giving seminars, teaching college classes, individual counseling, regression therapy, and psychic readings. She is also a medium and healer channeling St. John.

She a retired teacher in public schools and colleges: Marilyn has three years of graduate work towards a doctorate degree. She is a member of the International Board of Regression Therapy, American Board of Hypnotherapy, and lifetime member of Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment. 

Reverend Marilyn L. Redmond, CHT, IBRT.  BA in Ed, International Speaker, International award winning writer, International Author, International Consultant, International Columnist, International Board of Regression therapy, Therapeutic Hypnotist, Past Life Therapy,  ordained minister for spiritual counseling, artist, and give readings.  

Web site is Angelicasgifts.com
Lectures, interviews and spiritual information on You Tube at   
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Rev. Marilyn Redmond
Group: Marilyn Redmond, BA,IBRT CHT
Dateline: Edgewood, WA United States
Direct Phone: 253-845-4907
Cell Phone: 208-570-8535
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