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Quantum Physics & Books by Marilyn L. Redmond
Rev. Marilyn Redmond, BA, CHT, IBRT -- Healing and Spiritual Growth Rev. Marilyn Redmond, BA, CHT, IBRT -- Healing and Spiritual Growth
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Edgewood, WA
Wednesday, May 1, 2024


 Rev. Marilyn L. Redmond


Quantum Physics &
 Books by Marilyn L. Redmond, BA. ABH,IBRT



MarilynL. Redmond is an international award winning writer and award winning poet. Herwriting includes information and tools that support growth and development forhealthy, happy lives in prosperity. She offers her experience and wisdom frommany years of searching. In addition to her printed books, she has many eBooksavailable, which are all on Amazon. Also, her writing has been published inmagazines, newspapers, news releases, 6 anthologies and on the internet. .                                     

What People Are Saying About Marilyn andHer Work!

 Brilliant,profound, and to the point. This little book is a classic and will be read longafter she is gone. I love how she writes.Now that a couple of years have passedsince we broke through 2012..it is even more significant. Don't underestimate this book. It hauntsyou over time, as the truth of the message becomes more and more revealed. Linda Schiller-Hanna, founder, NaturalPsychic School of Metaphysics; Founder, Angel Love Healing Center; Speaker,Edgar Cayce’s ARE Intuition Trainer

 This little book is priceless. I found it to be one of themost valuable works I have every read. I felt Marilyn Redmond speaking from herheart to mine about things she must have experienced because her book has"the ring of truth" which makes reading it like listening to a wisefriend tell you things you've been searching for all your life.

I recommend that everyone who wants to live amore loving and honest life read this book, not just once, but really study itand as far as possible, commit it to memory and use it to begin living at ahigher level. LachlanMitchell, Coexisting Disorder Coordinator, Bathurst Community CorrectionsService, Australia

I found this book very enlightening and helpful in many ways.There is an explanation for questions about the shift from third dimensionthrough fourth and into the fifth. Choosing to replace fear with LOVE, thehighest vibration. And protecting our beautiful planet. Honoring nature. Ihighly recommend this book for clarity and much needed guidance to save ourplanet, thus ourselves. Jeannie Anderson,Reiki Master

 It was truly inspirational and put a smile on my face. What asuperbly wonderful book, beautifully written, composed and the message is pureand uplifting. Thank you for allowing me to work on this. Louise Atherton, editor of her book

 In the video interview, Marilyn shares aboutunderstanding the energy in your life as defined by Tesla. With a higher frequency,you can attract your inheritance and birthright from the universe. Marilyn thendescribes each of her books. Roses HaveThorns describes her early path through poetry. It is available bycontacting her at angelicasgifts6@outlook.com

 ParadigmBusters, is the ultimate "how to" book forfinding "the real you" and moving into a love based life. Finding Reality Beyond Fear follows Paradigm Busters. It offers slogans formaintaining a mature life and in addition, the information for you to move intoChrist Consciousness.

 TheReal Meaning of 2012 is information from Saint Germaine explainingthe different dimensions of energy. Her latest book is A Spark of Truth, which reveals the beginning of the fear andoppression in our lives and how that affects our lives today. https://www.amazon.com/Spark-Truth-Rev-Marilyn-Redmond/dp/0944851630

 Her message is we are returning to the lovewithin which we are created. We are on the path to maturity and becoming ourtrue selves. Each book has simple terms for describing information and toolsfor growth that work. We can leave the past problems and difficulties behindfor living in the moment which is called "The Gift".

Marilyn has 11 books on Amazon, 195 videos on YouTubes,and writes two monthly columns, brings spiritual growth through her books thatare sent internationally to prisons. She is included in "Who's Who in Americaand Manchester's Who's Who for Professionals and Executive. In addition, Marilynhas produced and hosted two radio shows.

 Check out her website,https://www.angelicasgifts.com/  

 Books: at https://www.amazon.com/Marilyn-Redmond/e/B0069WIKDC

Barnes and Nobel https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/Marilyn+Redmond?_requestid=16065424 

195 videos on You Tube at  https://www.youtube.com/user/puyallup98372

Blog athttp://marilynredmondbooks.blogspot.com./


Rev. Marilyn L. Redmond, BA,ABH, IBRT can help you find health, happiness and prosperity, too. Recently she was included in "Who's Who in America".  In addition, she is in Manchester's Who's Who for Professionals and Executives. Her books are distributed by the A.R.E. internationally to prisons.  Marilyn is a spiritual counselor, internationally board-certified regressionist, hypnotist, teacher, speaker, and medium. In addition, she gives readings and is an ordained minister for spiritual healing. Marilyn’s 11 books at Amazon and on line at Barnes and Nobel, and many articles reveal how she achieved a consciousness of oneness in healing her traumatic life of mental illness, addictions, PTSD, domestic violence, depression, and more.

Read her monthly column on https://www.thesussexnewspaper.com  

Check her website, https://www.angelicasgifts.com /

Her11 books are at Amazon -Marilyn L. Redmond 

190 videos on You Tube at https://www.youtube.com/user/puyallup98372,

Blog at http://marilynredmondbooks.blogspot.com./ 

Contact her at angelicasgifs6@outlook.com 

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Rev. Marilyn Redmond
Group: Marilyn Redmond, BA,IBRT CHT
Dateline: Edgewood, WA United States
Direct Phone: 253-845-4907
Cell Phone: 208-570-8535
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